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Tab Placeholder object

This tab shows you the selected properties of all objects belonging to a placeholder object. Variables can be assigned to the properties of these objects. It is also possible to store value sets in a placeholder object.

Overview of the main dialog elements:


Here you specify the name of the placeholder object. If you are editing a placeholder (double-click on the graphical symbol for the placeholder object) the name is displayed here.


In contrast to the name that is identifying and is therefore not multilingual, this field can be used for additional information that can also be displayed in a foreign language. By default, both the name of the placeholder as well as, in round brackets, the description are displayed in the Placeholder objects - <Project name> dialog.

Enlarge section:

The preview displays the page / layout space on which the placeholder object has been inserted. If this check box is activated, the section with the selected placeholder object and the associated objects is displayed larger.

The "anchor" symbol of a placeholder object on a page is highlighted in red in the preview. The associated objects whose property, variable or value you have just marked in one of the two tabs are identified by a black color in the preview.

Assignment tab


This table lists all the objects of the placeholder object as well as the properties selected for the objects with the current values. Initially only the objects and no properties are displayed here for a new placeholder object. Through (New) you can select the desired properties for a marked object and enter them in the table.

When you navigate within this table, the graphical preview at the upper right is updated. This provides you with a constant overview of which object the property that you have currently selected belongs to.

The table contains the following columns:


At the graphical elements in placeholder objects it is also possible to access some display properties that are located in the property dialog of the graphical elements below the "Format" hierarchy level. These are the properties Line thickness, Color, Invisible and Line type. Correspondingly configured value sets thus allow, for example, a rectangle to be set to invisible and the color of a line to be switched.

Popup menu:

The popup menu provides - depending on the field type (date, integer, multilingual, etc.) - the following menu items:

In addition, the following dialog-specific popup menu items are available:

Menu item


Select variable

Only in the Variable column: Opens the Select variable dialog where you can select one of the available variables, if there are any.

Adopt variables

Searches the Assignment tab in the Current value column for valid variable names, e.g., <Variable>, and copies them to the Variable column.

Delete object

Only available when at least one row is selected: Deletes the entire selected object including all of its assigned properties, values, and variables from the placeholder object as soon as you confirm with [Yes].

Hide objects without selected properties:

This check box allows you to reduce the number of displayed objects. If this check box is activated, only those objects for which a property is selected are still displayed in the table.

This setting is deactivated by default when the property dialog for the placeholder objects is opened. An activation of the check box is not stored.

Tab Values


All the variables and the associated value sets of a placeholder object are displayed in this table.

The table contains the following columns:

Depending on which cell is marked, you can use the buttons (New) and (Delete) to add or delete variables or value sets. You can influence the sequence of the value sets by using the arrow buttons ( / ).

Popup menu:

The popup menu provides - depending on the field type (date, integer, multilingual, etc.) - the following menu items:

In addition, the following dialog-specific popup menu items are available:

Menu item


New variable

Opens the Name new variable dialog where you can generate a new variable and EPLAN automatically checks whether the specified name is valid. The new variable is inserted as a new cell below the Variable column heading.

Delete unused variables

After a confirmation prompt, deletes all variables that were not used in the assignment action.

New value set

Creates a new column for the value set to be generated, which must then be entered.

Delete value set

Only available when a value set is selected: Deletes the currently marked value set after a confirmation prompt.

Read in current values

Only available when a value set is marked: Imports the current values (from the Assignment tab) into the selected value set.

Assign value set

Only available when a value set is marked: Assigns the current value set. The schematic objects whose properties have been assigned a variable in the Assignment tab contain the appropriate values.

See also