The following cross-reference types are included in EPLAN reports:
Device cross-references
The following distinctions are made with regard to device cross-references:
The main function refers to all auxiliary functions, and every auxiliary function refers to the main function.
The following ordering applies to the display of auxiliary functions in the cross-reference:
The main function of each auxiliary function, which you have defined in the device definition, is displayed first in the cross-reference. This is then followed by the auxiliary functions that you have defined outside the device definition. If connection point designations have been defined for the auxiliary functions, first the numeric and then the alphanumeric connection points are displayed in the main function cross-reference. The number of characters is significant in the alphanumeric sorting.
Device cross-references between multi-line and single-line representations
Cross-references are also possible between devices when you have placed them on multi-line and single-line schematic pages. To do this, you must use Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Cross-references / contact image > Display menu items to inform EPLAN that device cross-references between the two types of representation are to be created and displayed.
Please note that a pair cross-reference to a single-line representation type is not possible. Representation type here does not have anything to do with the page type, this may well be "Schematic single-line"; decisive is the representation type of the main function, it must be "multi-line".
Pair cross-references
In many cases it is desirable to represent the auxiliary contact of a motor overload switch or power circuit breaker (which can be placed on any page of the project) together with the main function as a complete item in the schematic. In EPLAN, a contact is doubly placed in the schematic for this purpose. The first placement occurs to the right of and at the same position next to the main function, where no connection to other components is usually displayed. The device tag need not be allocated to the contact, which is also called a pair cross-reference contact, because it is automatically adopted by the main element lying to the left. During placement, you must manually assign the correct Representation type to the contact. The "Pair cross-reference" Representation type in the Symbol / function data tab of the Properties <...> dialog is available to this purpose. The second placement can occur at any place in the schematic and shows the actual "wiring" of the contact in the appropriate column of the schematic page. You assign the main function DT and the Auxiliary function property to the contact.
In this manner, EPLAN creates a cross-reference referring to the Contact pair. The pair cross-reference to the main function then refers to its counterpiece, the "wired" contact, and vice-versa.
Display of a pair cross-reference:
Pair cross-references only function under the following conditions:
- Both components are located on multi-line schematic pages.
- Both components have the same function definition.
- Both components have the same displayed DT.
- The connection point designations of both components are identical.
- The contact at the main function has the "Pair cross-reference" representation type, and the contact displayed as "wired" has the "Auxiliary function" property.
Contact image display
In the contact image display, all placed components of the device are displayed, with the unplaced and free functions (device functions) also being accounted for.
For every device, you can define whether a contact image or a cross-reference is to be displayed. The Contact image drop-down list is available in the Display tab of the properties dialog for this purpose. If you select the In path or On component entry, a contact image is displayed. EPLAN then displays the Contact image setting tab, where you can define the display of the contact image. If you select the None entry in the Contact image drop-down list, only a cross-reference list is displayed.
As soon as you insert a Coil or a Motor overload switch, EPLAN automatically shows the correct entry in the Contact image drop-down list. The Contact image setting tab is then also displayed.
The ordering of the connection point designations is determined in the contact image and the cross-reference list in the following manner:
- Numerical connection point designations
- Alphanumeric connection point designations
- Empty connection point designations.
If a device definition exists, the contact image is displayed sorted according to the definition. Connection point designations not covered by the device definition are added and sorted as described above. Empty or duplicate connection point designations are sorted according to their position in the schematic.
Interruption point cross-references
Interruption points form cross-references, with two types of cross-references being distinguished:
- Star cross-reference: With a star cross-reference, one interruption point is defined as the starting point. All other interruption points of the same name refer to this starting point. At the starting point, a formattable list of the cross-references to the other interruption points is displayed. Here you can define how many cross-references are to be displayed alongside or between each other.
- Chain cross reference: With chain cross-references, the first interruption point refers to the second, the third to the fourth etc., meaning that the references follow from page to page.
On the first arrow of a chain, you can also display cross-references to all other arrows in the chain (one per page is configurable). These cross-references can be formatted as at the source of a star layout.
PLC cross-references
The PLC connection points in the byte-oriented display of the PLC in the schematic point to their reference in the overview page and vice-versa. To create a cross-reference between a PLC connection point on a schematic page and a PLC connection point on an overview page, the Device tag, the Connection point number, and the Function definition of both PLC connection points must be identical.
Cross-references to device tag lists
For all Main functions, an extra cross-reference can be displayed that points to the device tag list containing the respective device.
The cross-reference is identified by a special prefix, defined in the project-specific settings under Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Cross-references / contact image > General.
To make the cross-reference pointing to the device tag list visible at the main function, you must use Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Cross-references / contact image > Display to enable the cross-reference display between the page types "Multi-line representation" and "Device tag list". Furthermore the Cross-reference display property has to be set to "Always display" at the individual main function in the Properties <...> dialog.
Prefix for cross-references
Due to the large number of cross-reference types, which can also be displayed in combination at the component, EPLAN allows the various cross-reference types to be visually distinguished from each other by defining a specific prefix for each type. The prefix can be a particular character or string of characters and can be defined for different page types (multi-line schematic page, overview, etc.). The settings are project-specific and are made under the menu items Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Cross-references / contact image > General, in the table with the columns Page type / prefix.
See also
Creating Device Cross-references
Creating Pair Cross-references
Performing Settings for Contact Image Display