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Dialog Settings: General (Projects, Graphical Editing)

In this dialog you define project-specific settings for the display of connection junctions and connection point designations, etc.

Overview of the main dialog elements:

Display connection junctions as:

In this group box, select how the connection symbols should be displayed in the schematic:

  • With target specification: The "normal" connection symbols, in which the order of the connection targets is visible, are displayed for connection symbols such as T-nodes, double junctions, etc.
  • Point wiring: Connection symbols such as T-nodes, double junctions, etc., are generally displayed as connection points.
  • As drawn: The connection junctions are displayed in the way specified during insertion of the corresponding connection symbol.


In the user settings (File > Settings > User > Graphical editing > Connection symbols) you defined the settings affecting the drawing of connection symbols.

Display rotated connection point designation:

During the symbol creation two set of connection point designations can be created: one with non-rotated connection point designations and one with connection point designations rotated by 90 degrees. These connection point designations are used for (e.g.) working according to DIN standards. By default, this check box is deselected, and non-rotated connection point designations are used. Select this check box to use the rotated connection point designations in the project.

This setting also affects the Terminal / Pin designation property.

Also insert macro boxes:

This setting is only available for schematic projects.


This setting only has an effect if during the preparation of the macros, the option "from project settings" was selected for the setting Also insert macro box in the macro project at the respective macro box.

Activate this check box if you want the macro box to be inserted as well when inserting window macros and symbol macros. This setting is also taken into consideration when inserting a device, if a macro is stored for this device. The macro boxes contain information about the macros inserted, such as the macro name, the source project, and the parts data assignment. The macros inserted into the project can be updated by means of the macro boxes. When compressing the project, these macro boxes can be removed again.

If the check box is deselected, then only the individual components of the macros will be inserted. In this case the parts data assignment of the macro box is not evaluated when inserting a device!

Insert macros referencing:

This setting is only available in the macro projects.

If this check box is activated, macros of the "Defining" type of usage are inserted into a macro project with the "Referencing" type of usage and with an entered source project. While the macros can be updated, only few modifications can be made at the macro box itself.

If the check box is deactivated, such macros are inserted into a macro project with the "Defining" type of usage and without an entered source project.

Reverse search direction for PLC connection points:

For PLC connection points and device connection points, path function texts are first searched for against the direction of the connection, and then in the direction of the connection if no texts were found already.
Select this check box in order to reverse that search order, i.e. to look in the connection direction first.

Use alternative property arrangement:

For symbols according to the GOST standard (the Russian national standard) the device tag must be placed to the right or upper-right of the symbol graphic.

Numerous symbols in the SPECIAL symbol library that can have a DT also have corresponding property arrangements. This check box allows you to switch back and forth between the various property arrangements for these special symbols (e.g. default setting (upper left, outer, 0°) -> default setting (upper right, outer, 0°, (alternately))):

If this check box is selected then, for all special symbols inserted into the project, in the Display tab the "Default setting (alternative)" is set for the Property arrangement property according to the GOST standard. The setting has no effect on symbols from symbol libraries that do not have an appropriate property arrangement - these retain the original default property arrangement.

Extend path function text on the schematic path:

If this check box is selected, the search for the path function text is carried out within the limits of the path defined by the plot frame. In this case, a path function text is carried over into the Function text (automatic) property of a component if it is located anywhere within the same path. However, the insertion point of the path function text does not need to be located immediately above / below the insertion point of the component in question. If there are multiple path function texts in the path, the first path found is transferred to the component. For this, the schematic path - identical for all functions - is searched from left to right and from bottom to top.

If the check box is not selected, path function texts are only carried over into the Function text (automatic) property if the component insertion point and the path function text insertion point lie immediately above or below one another.


This setting is only used for schematic projects and not for macro projects.

Draw structure boxes with recess:

If this check box is activated, the upper left corner of structure boxes is spared (depending on the position of the property texts) and the device tag placed there. To display a recess, the property texts have to be positioned as if they were located upper left and inside in the original rectangle of the structure box. If, for example, you select the property arrangement "Upper left, inside, 0°", a recess is displayed for the DT and all docked properties. As an alternative you can select a similar property arrangement or manually move the property texts.

If the check box is deactivated, structure boxes are drawn as simple rectangles.


In the property arrangements of the structure boxes (and other devices), the DT (displayed) property (ID 20010) is defaulted for the display and placement of the device tag. In the case of structure boxes with recesses, one of the following properties can be used as an alternative:

  • DT (full) (ID 20006)
  • DT (identifying) (ID 20005).

Apply property arrangements from the project:

The user-defined property arrangements are saved project-specifically and are assigned to the symbol variant for which it was created. The user-defined property arrangements are compared when copying and pasting pages or functions into a different project or when inserting macros. The name of the property arrangement at the function is retained if the property arrangements are identical or if the property arrangement does not yet exist in the project. In this case the property arrangement is generated.

If a property arrangement with the same name already exists in the project and is not identical with the property arrangement at the function, this setting decides which property arrangement is to be used:

If this check box is activated, the property arrangement from the project is transferred to the inserted function and the name of the property arrangement is retained at the function.

If the check box is deactivated, the property arrangement at the inserted function is retained and the name is changed to "User-defined".


In a layout space the behavior described above for functions applies correspondingly for the part placements. For part placements in the layout space the property arrangements are assigned to the function definition and are correspondingly available for part placements with the same function definition respectively.

Do not use new property configurations from macros:

When inserting and copying macros, the user-defined properties stored in the macros together with their configurations are also inserted into the project.

If this check box is activated, the Do not use anymore setting is assigned to the new user-defined properties in the configuration dialog. These properties are then not visible at the assigned objects in the project and are deleted when the project is compressed again.

If this check box is deactivated, the new user-defined properties remain available in the project and are displayed at the assigned objects.


New user-defined properties can also be inserted via other master data such as forms, plot frames, etc. These properties are also taken into consideration through the setting.

Text box:

Enter the default settings for the frames around texts. Enter the width and height separately. You can then accept this default from the Property dialog for texts.

Model view:

Select the background colors for the shading of the model views by clicking [...] and opening the Color selection dialog.

Min. font size for test:

Here you determine the minimum font size which must not be undercut. This value is taken into consideration when checking for exceedingly small texts. Very small font sizes can also originate from fitting text into alignment boxes (if, e.g., several languages are displayed after a translation run).

See also