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Dialog Settings: Pages (project)

This dialog enables you to define default values for the page names, the plot frame to be used, and the path numbering.

Overview of the main dialog elements:

Subpage character:

Select from the drop-down list whether subpages are to specified using lower-case letters, upper-case letters, or figures, or if subpages may not be used.

Min. length of page name:

You can define the minimum number of characters to be used for page names here. The default setting is "0", meaning that the page names are output without leading zeros. If you enter a different number here, the page name is output with the corresponding number of leading zeros.


If you set a number not equal to zero and later manually add leading zeros to the page name, these manual entries will be suppressed.

Standard plot frame:

Here you define which plot frame is used as the default when creating a page.
The "Browse" entry opens a file selection dialog, in which you can choose a plot frame from any directory.

Path numbering group box

Here you define how the path areas within a project are to be numbered. Pages of external documents are always ignored by path numbering.

  • Page by page: With this setting, the path area counting restarts on every page. On every page, EPLAN restarts from the defined start value, and increments this until the last path on the page is reached.
  • Project by project: With this setting, the path area numbers are incremented over all the pages. EPLAN starts with the defined start value on the first page, and increments this until the last path on the last page is reached. (Only logic pages are included.)
  • Per structure identifier: With this setting the paths are numbered in groups by structure identifier. This option is inactive in sequentially numbered projects.


If the setting is Project by project or Per structure identifier, a prompt appears when you paste / copy new pages, asking whether you want to automatically update the path designations.

The following additional check boxes are active for the Project by project and Per structure identifier settings:

Only logic pages:

If this check box is selected, only the paths on logic pages reflecting the settings above are numbered consecutively. Paths on other pages are numbered by page.

Consider missing page numbers:

If this check box is selected and there are gaps in the page numbers, an appropriate number of path designations are left free ("Number of missing pages" x "Number of paths in the standard plot frame").

Generate subnumbers for subpages:

If this check box is selected, the subnumber is appended to the path designation of subpages. The main numbers are adopted from the associated main page.

Grid for page type:

This group box allows you to separately predefine a default grid for different page types. The grid size defined here is used when a page is created and no page of the same page type is selected.

  • Electrical engineering schematic: The standard grid size for the "Schematic multi-line" and "Schematic single-line" page types is 4 mm.
  • Fluid power schematic: The standard grid size for the "Fluid power schematic" page type is 2 mm.
  • P&I diagram: The standard grid size for the "P&I diagram" page type is 2.5 mm.
  • Other: Grid size for all other page types, the default value is 1 mm.

Number of pages / Page name per property:

Here you specify the property to be used as a comparison criterion for the Number of pages per property, Page names per property and Page counter per property properties. When a report is run (started via the command Number of pages / Page name per property), pages with the same value for this property are counted, their names are listed, and the number of pages including the present one existing with a specific property are determined. (To this purpose you first have to Customize the ribbon and then assign the desired command to a user-defined command group.) The results are written to the Number of pages per property, Page names per property and Page counter per property page properties.

Automatically execute "Number of pages / Page names per property" before generating the table of contents:

If you select this check box, the report run that counts and lists pages with the same value as the property defined above is started automatically before the table of contents is generated.

See also