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Plugs, couplings, and receptacles are detachable connections (plug connections) which connect components, devices, or machines together. They always consist of multiple components. They are available in different variants for various requirements and environments.

Plugs are usually installed on a cable and serve to connect a device to the power supply network. They usually have more male pins which are installed in one insert. In a few cases, plugs can have inserts that use both male and female pins.

The counterparts of plugs are called couplings (if they are mobile, that is, connected to a cable) or receptacles (if they are installed in a wall or a device). Couplings and receptacles are available in a variety of variants and with different numbers of contacts. A coupling is generally equipped with female pins. Receptacles have inserts which are usually equipped with either male or female pins. In a few cases, couplings and boxes can have inserts that use both male and female pins.

In EPLAN, all plug connections (that is, both plugs and couplings or receptacles) are managed under the combined term "Plugs": By a plug, we mean the combination of multiple pins, regardless of whether they are male or female. Plugs and their counterparts can be managed separately or together; if managed together, the plug is taken to mean the entire component.

When working with plugs, the following options are available to you:

  • You can create plugs and pins from a function definition selection with predefined properties.
  • You can configure plugs to your requirements, that is, you can use arbitrary combinations of male and female pins.
  • You can assign individual male and female pins to one another in a plug connection.
  • You can manage hierarchically organized plug connections to devices.
  • You can determine the order of the pins within the plug.
  • You can number plugs and pins and create numbering schemes for the pin designations.
  • You can enter parts at the individual pins, which can then be output in reports or used for manufacturing data export / labeling.

See also