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Page Properties

In the page navigator and the graphical editor, you can view the properties of the selected or currently open page. The most important page properties are:

Page name

The page name contains the complete name, including any separators and subpage identifiers, but without structure identifiers. Page names can be formed using any desired combination of numbers and letters. The complete page name is always displayed in all dialogs.

In addition to the page names you can also define a Subpage consisting of numbers or letters. This is particularly useful when changes require you to add extra pages to an existing plan or list. Subpages are always separated from the main page by a period. In the case of several periods, then the first on the left is the separator. Four characters are provided for subpages.

Page name (full)

The full page name contains the page names and all structure identifiers (identifying and describing) according to the project structure.

Page name (identifying)

The identifying page name contains the page names and the identifying structure identifiers according to the project structure.

Page type

EPLAN has a number of different Page types. The content of these page types may be (e.g.) the forms required for outputting schematic information or the schematic itself.

Page description

A page description can be defined for every page, e.g. "Main circuit for pump 1" or "Control circuit for conveyor 3". The page description is (multilingual) special text and may also contain hard-returns. It can be used in different areas and can be printed.

Project setting "Subpage character"

When creating new pages, you can define the characters that are suggested for identifying subpages here.
The following options are possible:

Numbering of the subpages


No subpages

1 2 3 4 5 A B C 11 12 AA BB

Lower-case letters

1 1.a 1.b 1.c 2 2.a 2.b A.a A.b 100.c 100.d 100.e

Upper-case letters

1 1.A 1.B 1.C 2 2.A 2.B A.A A.B 100.C 100.D 100.E


1 1.1 1.2 1.3 2

The default value is "Lower-case letters". Changing this setting in an existing project does not change the sequencing of the pages and thus does not change the logic relating to cross-references, etc.

Project setting "Min. length of page name"

This allows the display of the page name to be changed. You use this entry to define the formatting of the page names in reports. The page names are padded with leading zeros according to the number entered here. An entry of "0" means that no leading zeros will be generated. This is the default value.


If you set a number not equal to zero and later manually add leading zeros to the page name, these manual entries will be suppressed.

Supplementary field: Sheet no.

The sheet number is a supplementary property of page names. It may only occur once per page and always with the same structure identifier. Sheet numbers can be formed using any desired combination of numbers and letters. They can be displayed in the list view.

A start number must be entered so that the property can be automatically assigned in reports. The page number on the subsequent report pages of the same report type is then incremented starting with this start number.


Since the Suppl. field: Sheet no. can be manually and automatically defined, it is possible that gaps or duplicate page numbers may occur. To display a sequential page number, for example in the page properties, in the graphical editor or report pages, use the page property Counter page number (ID 25020). You can insert this property as special text in the editors.


A dimension definition can be added to every page, regardless of type. This is necessary when you are using dimensioning, or when you are to correctly scale graphical macros on inserting.


When creating a page, EPLAN automatically enters the standard grid resolution. The field is an "Entry field with units". These defaults can be changed using the drop-down list, the default value and the selectable standard grid can be set. On delivery, the default values are "4 mm" for logic pages and "1 mm" for graphical pages.

Page orientation / paper format

This property is defined from the assigned plot frame and is only visible from the plot frame. The standard paper sizes (length and width) differ in different regions. User-defined paper formats can also be used in EPLAN.
The paper format can be subsequently changed by assigning a new plot frame. If changing from a larger to a smaller format, e.g. DIN A2 to DIN A4, certain parts of the schematic, graphic or form may lie outside the viewable area. You must correct this manually.

Plot frame

Plot frames can de displayed on all page types. The plot frame to be used for a page can be defined in the project settings and in the page properties. The page setting overwrites the project setting. The plot frame is stored in the project when it is defined as a page property.


Forms can de displayed on all page types. The form name is stored in a page property and stored in the project. Forms can be entered using the file selection dialog (with the preview and display of the description text) or manually entered.

Automatic modification date

The date on which a page was last edited is automatically stored for every page. This property cannot be changed manually. The Automatic modification date field is automatically updated at all the changes in the graphical editor and the page properties, as well as by the creating and updating of report pages.

Last editor

The last user to edit a page is automatically stored. This property cannot be changed manually.

Manual modification date

A date can be manually entered for every page. The representation of the date can be configured in the project settings (File > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Display > Date / time / numbers).

Determining number of pages / Page name per property

The command Number of pages / Page name per property allows you to determine the number and names of the pages which have the same value of a specific property. (To this purpose you first have to Customize the ribbon and then assign the desired command to a user-defined command group.) In addition you can determine the number of pages including the present one existing with the same value for this property.

The property serving as the comparison criterion is defined under the setting Number of pages / Page name per property in the project settings. The result is written to the Number of pages per property, Page names per property and Page counter per property page properties.

See also