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Dialog Format: Counter (PLC address formats)

In this dialog you specify the formatting for a counter in the format group.

Overview of the main dialog elements:

Number system:

In this field you define the number system used for displaying the counter. The following values are possible:

  • Octal: 0,1,2,3....7, 10,11....17, 20....
  • Decimal: 0,1,2,3....9, 10,11....19, 20....
  • Hexadecimal: 0,1,2,3....9, a,b,c,d,e,f, 10,11....19, 1a,1b,1c,1d,1e,1f, 20....

Start value:

The start and end values together specify the permissible value range for the counter. The start value must be positive and reflect the chosen number system.

End value:

The end value must be larger than the start value as well as reflect the chosen number system.

If the end value is reached during addressing, then the value is automatically transferred to the previous counter (i.e. to the left) and the current counter begins again from the start value. The first (meaning left-most) counter is continually incremented, beyond the end value.

Number of digits:

The number of digits is optional and must be positive; it is only used for display purposes. If the value to be displayed has fewer digits than the defined number of digits, it is filled with zeros.

Configuration value from property:

Different PLC properties are offered in the drop-down list. These are the properties that can be shown at a PLC connection point, and which display the value of the associated PLC box. So the configuration values can only be modified in the PLC box.

When addressing, the configuration value, that is, the value of the chosen property, is used as the start value for the counter (for the first PLC connection point). The counter is incremented sequentially, starting from this value. If during addressing a connection point is found where the configuration value changes, then the counter assumes this new value and counting then proceeds from this value.

If the end value is reached, then counting proceeds from the value specified in the Start value field.


Only numeric configuration values are used for addressing. If the selected property contains alphabetical or alphanumeric values, a message is output.

The following properties are available:

  • No configuration value: The start value for addressing is not determined from a property, the start address specified in the Address PLC connection points dialog is used.
  • PLC station: ID PLC station ID of the associated PLC box.
  • PLC card is placed on rack ID: Name of the rack ID on which the associated PLC card is placed.
  • Position (slot / module): Slot / position of the associated PLC card.
  • Start address of PLC card: The start address of PLC card entered in the associated PLC box. For Siemens format programmable logic controllers, enter the smallest byte address of the PLC card as the start address, for example.
  • Channel designation (automatic): Channel designation of a PLC supply connection point. Shows either the manually entered channel designation or the contents of a channel from a neighboring I/O channel.
  • CPU: Name: Name of the central processing unit (of the processor) of a PLC controller.

See also