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Dialog "Format of PLC address" / Dialog "Row formatting / Format of address in assignment list"

In this dialog you edit the format of digital or analog PLC addresses in the assignment list, the assignment list rows, or the assignment list addresses. The title bar of the dialog varies, depending on the element for which you have called up the dialog, and shows which format is being edited.

Overview of the main dialog elements:

Available format elements:

This list displays the elements that can be parts of the address format or of the format of the assignment list row.

For digital or analog inputs and outputs these are:

  • Counter
  • Separator.

For Assignment list rows these are:

  • Address
  • Function text: In order to consider multi-part and / or multi-language function texts this format element can be repeatedly inserted in the format of the assignment list row.
  • Symbolic address: Displays the entered symbolic address (if it exists) or otherwise the determined symbolic address.
  • Symbolic address (determined): Displays the symbolic address determined via the target tracking, i.e. the connected DT. The connected DT can be exported together with the manually entered symbolic address by means of this format element during the export of assignment lists. This value can, however, not be imported again.
  • Symbolic address: Group: Shows the assignment of the symbolic address to a group. With this group you can group areas of symbolic addresses in the assignment list, for example inputs, outputs, safety addresses, etc.
  • Data type
  • Separator
  • Ignored text: The "Ignored text" format element is needed in order to import assignment lists in which components occur for which EPLAN does not find any correspondence and that can therefore not be written into any EPLAN property during importing. The corresponding components of the assignment list row are ignored during importing and are not available in EPLAN.
    During exporting an empty entry is generated in the export file for each "Ignored text" format element.
    Ignored texts always have the length "Infinitely variable".

For Assignment list addresses these are:

  • Identifier
  • Byte address
  • Bit address
  • Separator.

To format a format element you have to move it to the list of selected format elements on the right. Multiple selections are not possible. When you move the format element, a dialog will open in which you can specify the formatting. This dialog is different depending on the format element.


Please note that you have to insert a separator after a format element with variable length so that the beginning of the next format element can be recognized clearly. No separator is required after format elements with a fixed number of characters.

Selected format elements:

This list shows which format elements you have used for building the row format of the assignment list. The selected format elements are shown with their designation, symbolic representation (for the preview) and specified value. Use the toolbar above the list to change the format element formatting retroactively, delete format elements, and change their order.


The preview of an address format is displayed here. The individual formatting elements are displayed in the PLC addresses or the assignment list in the same sequence as they exist in the list. This field cannot be modified.

See also