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Outputting Manufacturing Data / Labeling


  • You have opened a project.
  • You have created an export / labeling scheme.
  • You have specified the settings for the *.txt output.
  • You have defined the header, label and footer.
  1. Select the following commands: Tab Home > Command group Page > Navigator.
  2. Select a project, pages, functions, or structure identifier layers.
  3. Select the following commands: File > Export > Command group Manufacturing data > Manufacturing data > Labeling.
  4. Select a scheme from the Settings drop-down list.

    The report type on which the scheme is based is displayed in the Report type field.
  5. In the Language drop-down list, select the language in which the text should be output.
  6. Click next to the Target file field, and enter the storage location and the name of the labeling file into the subsequent dialog. Click [Open].
  7. In the Repetitions per label field, specify how many times the text of each label should be output to the file.
  8. In the Repetitions of total output field, specify how many times the entire text should be output to the file.
  9. To open the file in an external application after it has been output, select the Export and start application option.
  10. Click [OK].

See also