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Manufacturing data export / Labeling

For the visual identification of devices and connections at the installation site, it is necessary to export manufacturing data and label them. To do this, labels and signs are attached to the devices. The information to be output on tags and signs are taken directly from EPLAN:

  • All identifying and descriptive information for components and connections can be prepared for the manufacturing data export / labeling.
  • You can save the settings for the manufacturing data export / labeling output in user-defined schemes and thus reuse them.
  • The scope of delivery contains pre-defined schemes that you can customize to your requirements.
  • You can select a language for the output.
  • *.txt and Excel files are possible as output forms. You can enter an Excel template in each scheme and this is to be used immediately for each Excel output. The new file is loaded into Excel immediately. This is how you can prepare Excel forms that match a particular printout.

See also