The *.txt output settings allow you to define that the export file / labeling file / external report file is to be generated in a txt format.
You have opened a project.
- Select the following commands: File > Export > Command group Manufacturing data > Manufacturing data > Labeling.
- Click [...] next to the Settings field in the dialog Export manufacturing data / output labeling.
- Select a user-defined scheme in the Scheme field of the dialog Settings: Manufacturing data export / labeling.
You can Create a new export / labeling scheme via
- Select the "Text file (*.txt)" file type in the File type field in the File tab.
- Click
next to the Target file field, and select a directory and a file in the subsequent dialog or enter a name in the File name field.
- Click [Options].
- To generate a text file for a Windows application, select the ANSI character set in the Character set field of the Settings: Text export dialog.
- If needed, check the Allow umlauts check box.
- Click [...] next to the Application field, and use the subsequent dialog to select the *.exe application file of the editor in which the file is to be opened.
See also
Export / Labeling File / External Report File
Specifying the Settings for Excel Output