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PCT Loops in Pre-planning

The PCT loop concept not only helps you to comply with DIN and ISA, but also NAMUR recommendations (e.g. NA 50) during plant planning. Structuring of the PCT plant is carried out in the pre-planning navigator. You can create, edit and manage structure segments, PCT loops, PCT loop functions, containers and general planning objects in the pre-planning navigator.

PCT loops

PCT loops are managed in parallel to general planning objects, and behave in a way similar to them in the pre-planning. At PCT loops, macros can be stored, but not parts or function templates. PCT loops are either loops or consumers.

PCT loops are also called MSR loops or EI&C loops. EI&C stands for electrical, instrumentation and control engineering. The term PCT loop is used in EPLAN. The abbreviation "PCT" stands for process control technology.

PCT loop functions

The PCT loop function describes a subfunction of the PCT loop. This may be either a measuring or a consumer function. Parts can be stored at PCT loop functions. This is relevant for PCT loop functions that represent device functions.


In process engineering, containers belong to the apparatus group. They can be a plant element and are inserted below a structure segment level.

Containers are managed in parallel to general planning objects, and behave in a way similar to them in the pre-planning. Function templates and external documents / pages can be stored at a container, but not PLC addresses, parts or macros. Accordingly the properties dialog of a container only disposes of the Container general tab, which corresponds to that of a planning object, and of the Documents / Pages and Templates tabs.

A container can be inserted in pre-planning below a structure segment, but not below a planning object or a PCT loop. The containers themselves can also contain PCT loops and planning objects in their structure.

See also