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Sorting Pins

In the Edit plug dialog, you can change the order of the pins within the plug.


You highlighted a plug definition or a pin in the graphical editor, in the plug navigator, or in the device navigator.

  1. Select the following commands: Tab Devices > Command group Plugs > Plugs.
  2. In the table of the Edit plug dialog click the row number of the desired pin in order to mark the row.
  3. Hold down the [Ctrl] key and select any other pins that you would like to move.
  4. Move the selected pins into the desired position in the plug using the arrow keys.


  • You can use the [Sort] button to automatically sort all the pins in a plug according to different criteria.
  • Individual pins can be sorted simply through Drag & Drop. To do so mark the row number of the desired pin and Drag & Drop it on the correct position. Multiple selection of pins is also possible. A thick, red line indicates the position below which the moved pins are inserted.

See also