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Dialog Settings: Revision (graphical representation)

In this dialog you can specify the settings for the display of revision markers. The settings for the display of graphical markers apply both to revision markers displayed via change tracking, and to those generated after a property comparison of projects.

Overview of the main dialog elements:

Added / Changed / New in report / Deleted tabs

Here you specify how the graphical markers for revision changes should look. These settings can be made separately for added, changed, new in report, and deleted objects in the Added, Changed, New in report, and Deleted tabs.


Please note that the graphical marker for the "New in report" revision change is only used in change tracking, and does not work in master data reports (forms documentation, plot frame documentation, etc.).

Marker size:

This group box enables you to determine whether the graphical marker for revision modifications should always have a fixed size or should grow with the size of the object:

  • Adjust to object size: If this option is active, the graphical marker will be drawn large enough to surround the marked object. In the Minimum size field, enter a minimum value for the marker so that it is still easily visible for small objects.
  • Use fixed size: If this option is active, the graphical marker is always drawn with a fixed size, regardless of how large the marked object is. In the Size field, enter the desired value.

Mark groups with display on element:

Here you specify how groups with at least one element with a revision marker should be marked in the graphical editor:

If the check box is selected, then the modified elements in the group are individually marked.

If the check box is deselected, then the entire group is marked.


  • If the Mark groups with display on element check box is deactivated, then a newly inserted page is also recognized as a group and is also marked with the specified graphical marker in case of a Property comparison of projects.
  • This check box has no effect on deleted objects. A deletion marker is generated for every deleted object, regardless of whether or not the objects were grouped.
  • Multiple dimensions behave in the same way as groups, i.e. the Mark groups with display on element check box also applies to multiple dimensions.

Do not highlight revision marker text:

In revision projects with change tracking, changes in the properties are displayed by means of a marker text which is entered in the Revision marker (change tracking) property.

If this check box is activated, the revision marker text is displayed outside of the graphical marker of the components.

If the check box is deactivated, the graphical marker of the components also includes the revision marker text.


This setting does not have any effect on groups. In order to also display the revision marker text for grouped elements outside the graphical marker of the components, additionally activate the Mark groups with display on element check box.

See also