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Dialog Find

Enter a search term in this dialog and specify the project data in which to search for the term.

Overview of the main dialog elements:

Filter for functions:

The filter for functions allows you, for example, to limit the search to functions with a certain representation type or a specific function definition.

This drop-down list displays all the available filters. A chosen filter is activated automatically. The "- Not activated -" entry deactivates the filter and causes an unfiltered display of the data. Click [...] to open the Filter dialog. Here you can create, edit, delete, copy, export, import, and manage filters.

The popup menu of the Filter drop-down list contains the following entries:

  • Deactivate: This popup menu item is available if a filter has been set: Resets the filter setting to the "- Not activated -" entry.
  • Activate <filter name>: This popup menu item is available if the filter setting is "- Not activated -": Reactivates the last active filter.

This allows you to toggle rapidly between the unfiltered representation and a representation filtered in accordance with your requirements.

Find what:

Enter the search phrase in this field. You can use placeholders (such as * or ?).

You can also use the Special characters popup menu item here to search for special characters.

Match case:

If this check box is selected, only those phrases will be found where the upper / lower case exactly matches the search term. For instance, if you have entered the search term "Motor", the texts "Motor" and "Motor overload switch" will be found, but not "DC motor".

Find whole texts only:

If this check box is selected, only the entire search term will be found. For instance, if you have entered the search term "Motor", only the text "Motor" will be found, but not "Motor overload switch" or "DC motor".

Search in group box

In the Search in group box you can specify the project data in which you would like to search for the term.

DT / designation:

If this check box is selected, the search term will be searched for in the following objects:

  • General devices (DT for general functions, black boxes, and PLC boxes as well as in the schematic and on overview pages)
  • Terminals ("DT:Terminal designation", e.g., -X1:12, in terminals and terminal definition texts)
  • Plugs ("DT:Male / female pin number", e.g., -X1:12, in plugs and plug definition texts)
  • Device connection points ("DT:Connection point number", e.g., -A1:12, in device connection points, potential connection points, and PLC connection points in schematics and overview pages)
  • Interruption points (interruption points designation, e.g., -L1)
  • Cables (cable DT, e.g., -W1)
  • Connections (Connection designations / conductor designations, e.g., 0012. Unplaced connections are not browsed, because only connection definition points are browsed.)
  • Potentials (potential designation)
  • PLC addresses (for example A2.0).

The "Displayed DT" is shown as a search result. Use the Replace command to change only the displayed DT and, within that, only the elements without structural elements. If no DT is displayed on the component, i.e., a DT adoption exists, nothing is replaced.


  • Searches will always take place in the full DT but not in structural elements. When adopting DTs, the displayed DT is empty and no DT will be found in the search.
  • Only if the DT is entered as a search term along with its structure will the structure be used! Here, a complete partial structure of the project structure must be entered in the search direction from the DT. Additionally, the preceding sign (=, +, etc.) must also be entered. No placeholders are allowed in the structural elements.
  • The search is quickest when you enter the entire DT without placeholders and use the Find whole texts only setting. The All properties of all components check box must be deselected when doing this. In this case the system will only search within the database index.

All properties of all components:

If this check box is selected, the search term is searched for in all of the properties of the components, except in device tags and texts. (The search in device tags and texts must be performed separately.) Placeholder objects and macro boxes are taken into account here, where the "Name", "Version", "Source / reference" and "Description" values are searched in the case of macro boxes, and the "Name" values are searched in the case of placeholder objects.

The following properties are not searched here:

  • DT including all elements such as function designation, location designation, prefix, counter, etc.
  • Terminal designation
  • Male / female pin number
  • Connection point designation
  • Connection point description
  • Interruption point designation
  • Cable DT
  • Connection designation
  • Potential designation.


If this check box is selected, the search term will be searched for in the following texts:

  • Path function texts
  • General (simple) texts
  • Special texts on output pages.

All languages are searched. One result will be shown for each language in which a search term was found.

Placeholder Objects:

If this check box is activated, placeholder objects (both in the variables and value sets) are searched for the search term.

If the name of a value set is replaced, then the entry of the Placeholder object: Last value set selected property is also replaced at the same time.


If this check box is activated, the search term will be searched in the properties of the structure segments and planning objects.

Page properties:

If this check box is selected, the search for the term will take place in the page properties (such as page description, drawing number, etc.). This includes the Full page name page property.

Project properties:

If this check box is selected, the search for the term will take place in the project properties (such as project name, place of installation, etc.).

Search location group box

In this group box, you specify the page types on which the search term is to be located. Please note that the search term can be found only if at least one of the selected page types matches the page type of the selected pages. For example, if you have selected several report pages and have selected only the check boxes Logic pages and Graphical pages, the search will not yield a result.

Unplaced functions:

Activate this check box to search for the term in the unplaced functions.
If the check box is deselected, then unplaced functions will not be taken into account in the search.

Layout space:

Select this check box to search for the term in layout spaces.
If the check box is deselected, layout spaces will be ignored in the search.

Hidden project options:

Activate this check box to search for the term in hidden project options.
If the check box is deactivated, these pages are not taken into account in the search.

See also