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Finding Project Data


You have opened a project.

  1. Select the following commands: Tab Home > Command group Find > Find.
  2. Select a filter from the drop-down list in the Filter for functions field of the Search dialog, if required. This allows you to search for functions, for example, with a certain representation type or function definition.
  3. Enter the search term in the Find what field.
    You can also use placeholders (such as * or ?) in the search.
    It is possible to search for multiple related terms. However, you cannot search for multiple independent phrases.
  4. Use the check box to determine whether Upper-/lower-case letters will be taken into account during the search, and whether only entire texts (i.e. exactly as the text is entered into the input field) will be searched.
  5. In the Search in group box you can specify the project data in which you would like to search for the term. Select the corresponding check boxes.
  6. Define the search location in the Search location group box. Select the check boxes for the page types in which you would like to search for the term. To exclude certain page types from the search, deactivate the corresponding check boxes.
  7. Click [OK].

    EPLAN begins the search and then opens the Search results - <project name> dialog and displays the entries found.

Show search results

  1. Select the following commands: Tab Home > Command group Find > Show results.

    The dialog Search results - <Project name> is opened and the search results of the active project are displayed.

    If the Search results - <Project name> dialog is already open but not in the foreground, it will be filled with data from the active project and brought to the foreground.

    If the Search results - <Project name> dialog is open, and in the foreground, it will be closed when you select this menu command.

See also