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Editing Symbol Libraries


Some symbol libraries such as SPECIAL.slk are blocked and can't be edited by you. When you try to open such a symbol library, a message will appear and the action is canceled.


You have opened a project.

  1. Select the following commands: Tab Master data > Command group Symbols > Drop-down button Symbol library > Open.
  2. In the Open symbol library dialog select the desired symbol library from the list. Multiple selection is possible.
  3. Click [Open].
  4. In the subsequent Symbol selection dialog select the symbols you would like to open.
  5. Click [OK].

    Every opened symbol is shown in a separate symbol editor and can be edited there.


A project configuration (File > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Management > Symbol libraries) can be used to assign any number of symbol libraries to a project. The symbol libraries selected are then stored in the project.


If you have opened a symbol library once and selected a symbol to be opened in the Symbol selection dialog, you can then "page through" all of the symbols of that symbol library in the symbol editor. To do so, use the commands Next page and Previous page in the quick access toolbar or press the [Page down] and [Page up] buttons to scroll. Only those variants that were selected previously in the preview of the Symbol selection dialog will be shown. If the specified version of a symbol is not available, the symbol editor will show an empty page with the text "Variant does not exist".

See also