Name | Description | |
CalculateReferencePoint | Calculates the reference point of the macro Used to calculate reference point if reference point has not been defined by the user, when creating a macro. When reference point has been defined for then given macro, then output parameter is equal to ReferencePoint property. | |
CalculateReferencePoint3D | Calculates the reference point of the macro Used to calculate reference point if reference point has not been defined by the user, when creating a macro. When reference point has been defined for then given macro, then output parameter is equal to ReferencePoint property. | |
ChangeCurrentVariant | Change current representation type and variant of macro This function is more efficient as changing the Properties RepresentationType and Variant separately besides, this function throws an exception, if the variant does not exist | |
Create | Overloaded. Writes a window macro file from the pPlacements If at least one given Placement object is valid, created macro is opened. | |
Dispose() | Destructor for deterministic finalization of WindowMacro object. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.MasterData.Macro) | |
ExistVariant | Overloaded. checks, if the variant exists inside the window macro | |
GetBoundingBox | Returns the bounding box of the macro. This is the size and position of the macrobox. | |
GetBoundingBox3D | Returns the least bounding box containing all 3d elements of macro in current variant. | |
GetVariants | Macro variants by representation type "nRepresentationType". | |
GetWindowMacroInterface | ||
MacroRepresentationTypeNameFromId | Converts macro representation type to a displayed name. | |
Open | Overloaded. Opens a macro file and reads the information. | |
ResetPositions3D | Overloaded. Resets positions of items of a 3d macro according to one of its objects. | |
Source | Get name of the source from current representation type | |
SourceProject | Get name of the source project from current representation type | |
StoreExternalFilesOfCurrentVariant | Copies external files into project images directory (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.MasterData.Macro) | |
Version | Get version from current representation type |