Name | Description | |
Dispose | Destructor for deterministic finalization of MDPropertyValue object. | |
GetDisplayString | Display value of property as Eplan.EplApi.Base.MultiLangString. | |
Set | Overloaded. Sets System.DateTime value in MDPropertyValue object. | |
ToBool | Converts this MDPropertyValue object to System::Boolean . | |
ToDouble | Converts this MDPropertyValue object to doule . | |
ToInt | Converts this MDPropertyValue object to long . | |
ToMultiLangString | Converts this MDPropertyValue object to Eplan.EplApi.Base.MultiLangString. | |
ToPointD | Conversion this MDPropertyValue object to Eplan.EplApi.Base.PointD. | |
ToString | Overloaded. Returns string value of this property. When type of property is MultiLangString then only specified language is returned. In case of off-line MDPropertyValue object, stored value is returned without any cast. When property can not be read, default_value is returned instead of throwing MDEmptyPropertyException . | |
ToTime | Converts this MDPropertyValue object to System::DateTime . |