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Creating and sending a status report

If you want to inform a colleague in the manufacturing team or the manufacturing planner about the current status of the installation of a wiring project, you can create a status report of the project and send it as a message via e-mail. Apart from the status information of the routing connections, the status report also contains project and connection comments that have already been saved.


  • The e-mail server has been configured by your administrator.
  • You have started EPLAN Smart Wiring and opened or continued a project.


  1. Select the menu item Status reportReport on the current status of the installation for all routing connections in the project.
  2. In the submenu select the [Save] option if you first want to save and later send the status report or select the [Send] option if you want to send the status report immediately.
  3. If you have decided to send, enter the e-mail address of the recipient in the next dialog.
  4. Confirm the entry.
  5. The e-mail is sent.


The saved or sent status report is saved as a file of the type *.csv in the working directory or in the selected subdirectory.

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