API Help
Eplan.EplApi.Gui Namespace / Menu Class / AddMenuItem Method / AddMenuItem(MultiLangString,String,String,UInt32,Int32,Boolean,Boolean) Method
Text of the new menu item.
Name of the Eplan.EplApi.ApplicationFramework.Action to be performed when the menu item is selected. Also its parameters can be passed here.
Text shown in the status bar when menu is selected.
The menu id to insert the new one before.
The count of menus to step over before inserting. 0 inserts before, 1 inserts behind, MaxValue at end, MinValue at beginning
Add a Separator before the new insert menu
Add a Separator behind the new insert menu

In This Topic
    AddMenuItem(MultiLangString,String,String,UInt32,Int32,Boolean,Boolean) Method
    In This Topic
    Adds a new menu item.


    Text of the new menu item.
    Name of the Eplan.EplApi.ApplicationFramework.Action to be performed when the menu item is selected. Also its parameters can be passed here.
    Text shown in the status bar when menu is selected.
    The menu id to insert the new one before.
    The count of menus to step over before inserting. 0 inserts before, 1 inserts behind, MaxValue at end, MinValue at beginning
    Add a Separator before the new insert menu
    Add a Separator behind the new insert menu

    Return Value

    The identifying command ID of the added menu item. Is valid as long as the application runs. Can be used to add another menu before/behind.
    See Also