[DefaultMember("Property")] public class ProjectPropertyList : StorableObjectPropertyList
[DefaultMember("Property")] public ref class ProjectPropertyList : public StorableObjectPropertyList
Property list is a container for property values and just like them can be online
or offline
. If property list is online
it means that is associated with properties of some StorableObject or other property list. In this case if any property is added, changed or removed from property list the result is also visible in related objects. Whether property list is online or offline is being determine in time of it's creation and can not be changed.
//creation of online property list FunctionPropertyList oPropertyListOnline1 = oFunction.Properties; oPropertyListOnline1.FUNC_COMMENT = "Comment"; //now oFunction.Properties.FUNC_COMMENT is equal "Comment" FunctionPropertyList oPropertyLineOnline2 = new FunctionPropertyList(oFunction); oPropertyLineOnline2.FUNC_COMMENT = "Test"; //now oFunction.Properties.FUNC_COMMENT is equal "Test" //creation of offline property list FunctionPropertyList oPropertyLineOffline = new FunctionPropertyList(); oPropertyLineOffline.FUNC_COMMENT = "Test comment"; oFunction.Properties.FUNC_COMMENT = oPropertyLineOffline.FUNC_COMMENT; oPropertyLineOffline.FUNC_COMMENT = "Offline comment"; //now oPropertyLineOffline.FUNC_COMMENT is equal "Test comment"
Name | Description | |
ProjectPropertyList Constructor | Overloaded. |
Name | Description | |
ExistingIds | Returns array of property ids. Returns array of AnyPropertyId objects. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.UniversalPropertyList) | |
ExistingValues | Returns array of PropertyValue objects. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.UniversalPropertyList) | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_ADDITIONAL_BOOLFIELD | Overloaded. Suppl. field: Yes / No # 20916. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_ADDITIONAL_TEXTFIELD | Overloaded. Suppl. field: Text # 20915. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_ASSEMBLY | Overloaded. Assembly # 20905. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_ASSEMBLY_STRUCTURE | Overloaded. Assembly structure # 20922. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_ASSEMBLYVARIANT | Overloaded. Assembly variant # 20923. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_ASSIGNMENT | Overloaded. Part allocation # 20904. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_CONSTRUCTION | Overloaded. Used drilling pattern # 20284. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_COUNT | Overloaded. Number of units / quantity # 20102. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_DESCR1 | Overloaded. Part: Designation 1 # 20193. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_DESCR2 | Overloaded. Part: Designation 2 # 20194. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_DESCR3 | Overloaded. Part: Designation 3 # 20203. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_ERPNR | Overloaded. ERP number # 31117. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_1 | Overloaded. Part: External document 1 # 20190. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_10 | Overloaded. Part: External document 10 # 20269. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_11 | Overloaded. Part: External document 11 # 20270. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_12 | Overloaded. Part: External document 12 # 20271. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_13 | Overloaded. Part: External document 13 # 20272. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_14 | Overloaded. Part: External document 14 # 20273. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_15 | Overloaded. Part: External document 15 # 20274. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_16 | Overloaded. Part: External document 16 # 20275. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_17 | Overloaded. Part: External document 17 # 20276. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_18 | Overloaded. Part: External document 18 # 20277. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_19 | Overloaded. Part: External document 19 # 20278. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_2 | Overloaded. Part: External document 2 # 20191. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_20 | Overloaded. Part: External document 20 # 20279. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_3 | Overloaded. Part: External document 3 # 20192. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_4 | Overloaded. Part: External document 4 # 20263. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_5 | Overloaded. Part: External document 5 # 20264. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_6 | Overloaded. Part: External document 6 # 20265. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_7 | Overloaded. Part: External document 7 # 20266. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_8 | Overloaded. Part: External document 8 # 20267. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_9 | Overloaded. Part: External document 9 # 20268. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_PLACEMENT | Overloaded. External placement # 20917. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_FUNCTIONGROUP | Overloaded. Function group # 20902. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_LIFETIME | Overloaded. Service time # 20909. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_MAINTENANCE | Overloaded. Lubrication / maintenance # 20912. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_MANUFACTURER | Overloaded. Manufacturer # 20921. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_MOUNTINGSITE | Overloaded. Part: Mounting surface # 20918. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_NOTE | Overloaded. Part description # 31014. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_ORDERNR | Overloaded. Order number # 20919. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_PARTIAL_LENGTH | Overloaded. Subset / length # 31008. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_PARTIAL_LENGTH_FULL | Overloaded. Subset / length (full) # 31091. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_PARTIAL_LENGTH_IN_PROJECT_UNIT | Overloaded. Subset / length in unit of project # 31040. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_PARTIAL_LENGTH_UNIT | Overloaded. Unit for subset / length # 31012. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_PARTIAL_LENGTH_VALUE | Overloaded. Subset / length: Value # 31010. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_PARTIAL_LENGTH_WITH_PROJECT_UNIT | Overloaded. Subset / length with unit of project # 31043. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_PARTNR | Overloaded. Part number # 20100. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_PARTTYPE | Overloaded. Record type # 20103. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_PIECETYPE | Overloaded. Part group # 20903. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_POSNR | Overloaded. Item number # 20464. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_QUANTITY_IN_PROJECT_UNIT | Overloaded. Quantity / subset in unit of project # 31044. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_SPARE | Overloaded. Spare part # 20907. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_STRESS | Overloaded. Stress # 20910. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_SUPPLIER | Overloaded. Supplier # 20920. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_SUPPRESSINPARTSLIST | Overloaded. Suppress in bill of materials (if filtered) # 20105. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_USAGE | Overloaded. Procurement # 20911. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_USED_SAFETYRELATEDVALUE | Overloaded. Safety-related values: Use case in use # 20307. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_VARIANT | Overloaded. Part variant # 20101. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_WEAR | Overloaded. Wearing part # 20908. | |
FUNC_ARTICLEREF_PARTSLISTGROUP | Overloaded. Bill of materials group # 20924. | |
FUNC_DEVICETAG_FULL | Overloaded. DT (full, without project structures) # 20009. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. | |
FUNC_DEVICETAG_FULL_WITHSEPARATOR | Overloaded. DT (full, without project structures, with preceding sign) # 20213. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. | |
INSTANCE_REVISION_LOG_MARKER_FORMAT | Overloaded. Revision marker format (change tracking) # 19031. This property isn't indexed. | |
INSTANCE_REVISIONID | Overloaded. Revision change marker (from property comparison) # 10153. This property isn't indexed. | |
INSTANCE_REVISIONMARKER | Overloaded. Revision marker (from property comparison) # 10152. This property isn't indexed. | |
Parent | StorableObject to which this property list is connected. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.UniversalPropertyList) | |
PROJ_ACTUALDATE | Overloaded. Date # 10027. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. | |
PROJ_ACTUALTIME | Overloaded. Time of the day # 10058. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. | |
PROJ_ADDITIONALINFO_DOCUMENTSTRUCTUREINFRONT | Overloaded. Start page name with document type # 10450. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_ARTICLEREF_CRAFT | Overloaded. Trade of part reference # 20913. | |
PROJ_ARTICLEREF_SUBCRAFT | Overloaded. Subtrade of part reference # 20914. | |
PROJ_BACKUP_BACKUPPATH | Overloaded. Data backup: Backup directory # 10517. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_BACKUP_COMPRESS | Overloaded. Data backup: Reorganize project # 10513. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_BACKUP_DESCRIPTION | Overloaded. Data backup: Description # 10518. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_BACKUP_EXTDOCS | Overloaded. Data backup: Back up external documents # 10511. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_BACKUP_FULL | Overloaded. Data backup: Complete backup # 10510. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_BACKUP_IMAGES | Overloaded. Data backup: Back up image files # 10512. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_BACKUP_MEDIUM | Overloaded. Data backup: Backup medium # 10515. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_BACKUP_METHOD | Overloaded. Data backup: Method # 10514. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_BACKUP_SPLITSIZE | Overloaded. Data backup: E-mail message split size in MB # 10516. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_BLACKBOX | Overloaded. Block property: Format (black box) # 10610. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_BUSBAR | Overloaded. Block property: Format (busbar) # 10612. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_CABLE | Overloaded. Block property: Format (cable / shield) # 10607. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_CONNECTION | Overloaded. Block property: Format (connection) # 10608. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_CONNECTOR_DEF_TEXT | Overloaded. Block property: Format (plug definition) # 10603. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_DEVICE_END_TERMINAL | Overloaded. Block property: Format (device connection point) # 10611. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_DISTRIBUTOR | Overloaded. Block property: Format (fluid connection splicer / line connector) # 10614. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_FLUIDDEVICE | Overloaded. Block property: Format (fluid device) # 10613. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_FUNCTION | Overloaded. Block property: Format (general devices) # 10600. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_INTERRUPTION_POINT | Overloaded. Block property: Format (interruption point) # 10609. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_LOCATIONBOX | Overloaded. Block property: Format (structure box) # 10662. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_MECHANIC | Overloaded. Block property: Format (mechanical) # 10619. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_PAGE | Overloaded. Block property: Format (page) # 10618. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_PLAOBJECT | Overloaded. Block property: Format (pre-planning) # 10661. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_PLC_TERMINAL | Overloaded. Block property: Format (PLC connection point) # 10606. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_PLCBOX | Overloaded. Block property: Format (PLC box) # 10605. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_PLT | Overloaded. Block property: Format (PCT loop) # 10615. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_PLTFUNCTION | Overloaded. Block property: Format (PCT loop function) # 10616. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_PLUG | Overloaded. Block property: Format (pin) # 10604. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_POTENTIALDEFINITION | Overloaded. Block property: Format (potential definition) # 10096. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_PROCESS | Overloaded. Block property: Format (process engineering) # 10617. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_PROCESSDEFINITION | Overloaded. Block property: Format (piping definition) # 10097. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_TERMINAL | Overloaded. Block property: Format (terminal) # 10602. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_TERMINAL_DEF_TEXT | Overloaded. Block property: Format (terminal strip definition) # 10601. | |
PROJ_BLOCKPROPERTY_REPLACETEXT | Overloaded. Block property: Replacement text # 10660. | |
PROJ_COMMISSION | Overloaded. Commission # 10014. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_COMPANYADDRESS1 | Overloaded. Company address 1 # 10016. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_COMPANYADDRESS2 | Overloaded. Company address 2 # 10017. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_COMPANYNAME | Overloaded. Company name # 10015. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CONTROLVOLTAGE | Overloaded. Control voltage # 10041. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_COUNTPERPAGETYPE | Overloaded. Number of pages per page type # 10200. | |
PROJ_CREATIONDATE | Overloaded. Creation date # 10021. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CREATIONTIME | Overloaded. Creation time # 10046. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. | |
PROJ_CREATOR | Overloaded. Creator # 10020. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CREATORCITY | Overloaded. Creator: City # 10238. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CREATORCOUNTRY | Overloaded. Creator: Country # 10239. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CREATOREMAIL | Overloaded. Creator: E-mail # 10242. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CREATORFAX | Overloaded. Creator: Fax # 10241. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CREATORID | Overloaded. Creator: Short name # 10230. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CREATORLONGNAME | Overloaded. Creator: Full name # 10245. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CREATORNAME1 | Overloaded. Creator: Name 1 # 10232. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CREATORNAME2 | Overloaded. Creator: Name 2 # 10233. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CREATORNAME3 | Overloaded. Creator: Name 3 # 10234. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CREATORNOTE | Overloaded. Creator: Description # 10247. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CREATORNUMBER | Overloaded. Creator: Customer number # 10246. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CREATORPOBOX | Overloaded. Creator: P.O. box # 10236. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CREATORREGION | Overloaded. Creator: State / Region # 10244. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CREATORSTREET | Overloaded. Creator: Street # 10235. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CREATORTELEPHONE | Overloaded. Creator: Phone # 10240. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CREATORTITLE | Overloaded. Creator: Title # 10231. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CREATORZIPCODE | Overloaded. Creator: Zip code (City) # 10237. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CREATORZIPCODEPOBOX | Overloaded. Creator: Zip code (P.O. box) # 10243. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMER | Overloaded. Customer # 10370. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMERCITY | Overloaded. Customer: City # 10108. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMERCOUNTRY | Overloaded. Customer: Country # 10109. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMEREMAIL | Overloaded. Customer: E-mail # 10112. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMERFAX | Overloaded. Customer: Fax # 10111. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMERID | Overloaded. Customer: Short name # 10100. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMERLONGNAME | Overloaded. Customer: Full name # 10115. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMERNAME1 | Overloaded. Customer: Name 1 # 10102. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMERNAME2 | Overloaded. Customer: Name 2 # 10103. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMERNAME3 | Overloaded. Customer: Name 3 # 10104. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMERNOTE | Overloaded. Customer: Description # 10117. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMERNUMBER | Overloaded. Customer: Customer number # 10116. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMERPOBOX | Overloaded. Customer: P.O. box # 10106. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMERREGION | Overloaded. Customer: State / Region # 10114. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMERSTREET | Overloaded. Customer: Street # 10105. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMERTELEPHONE | Overloaded. Customer: Phone # 10110. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMERTITLE | Overloaded. Customer: Title # 10101. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMERZIPCODE | Overloaded. Customer: Zip code (City) # 10107. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMERZIPCODEPOBOX | Overloaded. Customer: Zip code (P.O. box) # 10113. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMIDENTIFICATION | Overloaded. Customer code # 10180. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_DATEPERPAGETYPE | Overloaded. Last modification date per page type # 10250. | |
PROJ_DEGOFPROTECTION | Overloaded. Degree of protection # 10037. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_DEVTAGFORMAT_CUSTOMFORMAT | Overloaded. Sequence of individual DT properties # 10091. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_DEVTAGFORMAT_ENABLECUSTOMFORMAT | Overloaded. Edit DT in individual fields # 10090. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_DRAWINGNUMBER | Overloaded. Job number # 10013. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_DTFORMAT_BLACKBOX | Overloaded. Format of displayed DT: Black box # 10630. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_DTFORMAT_BUSBAR | Overloaded. Format of displayed DT: Busbar # 10632. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_DTFORMAT_CABLE | Overloaded. Format of displayed DT: Cable / shield # 10627. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_DTFORMAT_CABLE_CONNECTION | Overloaded. Format of displayed DT: Cable connection # 10635. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_DTFORMAT_CONNECTOR_DEF_TEXT | Overloaded. Format of displayed DT: Plug definition # 10623. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_DTFORMAT_DEVICE_END_TERMINAL | Overloaded. Format of displayed DT: Device connection point # 10631. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_DTFORMAT_DISTRIBUTOR | Overloaded. Format of displayed DT: Fluid connection splicer / line connector # 10634. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_DTFORMAT_FLUIDDEVICE | Overloaded. Format of displayed DT: Fluid device # 10633. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_DTFORMAT_FUNCTION | Overloaded. Format of displayed DT: General devices # 10620. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_DTFORMAT_INTERRUPTION_POINT | Overloaded. Format of displayed DT: Interruption point # 10629. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_DTFORMAT_PLC_TERMINAL | Overloaded. Format of displayed DT: PLC connection point # 10626. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_DTFORMAT_PLCBOX | Overloaded. Format of displayed DT: PLC box # 10625. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_DTFORMAT_PLUG | Overloaded. Format of displayed DT: Pin # 10624. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_DTFORMAT_TERMINAL | Overloaded. Format of displayed DT: Terminal # 10622. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_DTFORMAT_TERMINAL_DEF_TEXT | Overloaded. Format of displayed DT: Terminal strip definition # 10621. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_EDITEDPAGES | Overloaded. Created pages # 10301. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. | |
PROJ_ENCLOSURES | Overloaded. Enclosures # 10038. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMER_LONGNAME | Overloaded. End customer: Full name # 10145. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMER_NOTE | Overloaded. End customer: Description # 10147. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMER_NUMBER | Overloaded. End customer: Customer number # 10146. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMER_REGION | Overloaded. End customer: State / Region # 10144. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERCITY | Overloaded. End customer: City # 10138. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERCOUNTRY | Overloaded. End customer: Country # 10139. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMEREMAIL | Overloaded. End customer: E-mail # 10142. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERFAX | Overloaded. End customer: Fax # 10141. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERID | Overloaded. End customer: Short name # 10130. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERNAME1 | Overloaded. End customer: Name 1 # 10132. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERNAME2 | Overloaded. End customer: Name 2 # 10133. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERNAME3 | Overloaded. End customer: Name 3 # 10134. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERPOBOX | Overloaded. End customer: P.O. box # 10136. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERSTREET | Overloaded. End customer: Street # 10135. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERTELEPHONE | Overloaded. End customer: Phone # 10140. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERTITLE | Overloaded. End customer: Title # 10131. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERZIPCODE | Overloaded. End customer: Zip code (City) # 10137. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERZIPCODEPOBOX | Overloaded. End customer: Zip code (P.O. box) # 10143. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_ENVIRONMENTALCONSIDERATION | Overloaded. Environmental consideration # 10034. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_FROZENPERPAGETYPE | Overloaded. Number of frozen pages per page type # 10065. | |
PROJ_FULL_PROJECTNAME | Overloaded. Project name (full) # 10009. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. | |
PROJ_FULL_PROJECTPATH | Overloaded. Project path (full) # 10045. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. | |
PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_BLACKBOX | Overloaded. Format of full DT: Black box # 10650. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_BUSBAR | Overloaded. Format of full DT: Busbar # 10652. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_CABLE | Overloaded. Format of full DT: Cable / shield # 10647. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_CABLE_CONNECTION | Overloaded. Format of full DT: Cable connection # 10655. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_CONNECTOR_DEF_TEXT | Overloaded. Format of full DT: Plug definition # 10643. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_DEVICE_END_TERMINAL | Overloaded. Format of full DT: Device connection point # 10651. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_DISTRIBUTOR | Overloaded. Format of full DT: Fluid connection splicer / line connector # 10654. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_FLUIDDEVICE | Overloaded. Format of full DT: Fluid device # 10653. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_FUNCTION | Overloaded. Format of full DT: General devices # 10640. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_INTERRUPTION_POINT | Overloaded. Format of full DT: Interruption point # 10649. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_PLC_TERMINAL | Overloaded. Format of full DT: PLC connection point # 10646. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_PLCBOX | Overloaded. Format of full DT: PLC box # 10645. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_PLUG | Overloaded. Format of full DT: Pin # 10644. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_TERMINAL | Overloaded. Format of full DT: Terminal # 10642. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_TERMINAL_DEF_TEXT | Overloaded. Format of full DT: Terminal strip definition # 10641. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_GENERATEDPAGES | Overloaded. Generated report pages # 10302. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. | |
PROJ_GUID | Overloaded. Unique project ID # 10184. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_BUSBAR | Overloaded. Structure format for busbars # 10053. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_CABLE | Overloaded. Structure format for cables # 10061. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_CODEDNESTINGSETTINGS | Overloaded. Nested device tags # 10019. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_CODEDSEPARATORS | Overloaded. Separator for structures # 10018. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_DEVICEBOX | Overloaded. Structure format for black boxes # 10056. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_DISTRIBUTOR | Overloaded. Structure format for fluid connection splicer / line connector # 10064. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_DOCUMENTSTRUCTURE | Overloaded. Project structure: Document type # 10006. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_FLUID | Overloaded. Structure format for fluid devices # 10063. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_FUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT | Overloaded. Project structure: Functional assignment # 10001. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_INSTALLATIONNUMBER | Overloaded. Project structure: Higher-level function number # 10005. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_INTERRUPTIONPOINT | Overloaded. Structure format for interruption points # 10051. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_LOCATION | Overloaded. Project structure: Mounting location # 10004. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_LOCATIONBOX | Overloaded. Structure format for structure boxes # 10062. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_MASTERDEVICES | Overloaded. Superior structure format for all devices # 10054. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_MECHANIC | Overloaded. Structure format for mechanical devices # 10085. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_PAGE | Overloaded. Structure format for pages # 10050. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_PLACEOFINSTALLATION | Overloaded. Project structure: Installation site # 10003. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_PLANT | Overloaded. Project structure: Higher-level function # 10002. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_PLC | Overloaded. Structure format for PLC / bus technology # 10057. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_PLUG | Overloaded. Structure format for plugs # 10060. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_PRODUCT | Overloaded. Project structure: Product # 10099. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_SPECIALDINMODE | Overloaded. Superior structure formats # 10029. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_STANDARDDEVICE | Overloaded. Structure format for general devices # 10055. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_TAKEOVERPAGENUMBER | Overloaded. Use page name in DT # 10012. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_TERMINALSTRIP | Overloaded. Structure format for terminal strips # 10059. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_USERDEFINED | Overloaded. Project structure: User-defined structure # 10007. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_IDENTIFICATION | Overloaded. User # 10181. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_INSTALLATIONNAME | Overloaded. Project description # 10011. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_IS_PPE | Overloaded. EPLAN PPE project # 59999. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. | |
PROJ_LASTMODIFICATIONDATE | Overloaded. Modification date # 10023. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. | |
PROJ_LASTMODIFICATIONTIME | Overloaded. Modification time # 10047. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. | |
PROJ_LASTMODIFICATOR | Overloaded. Last editor: Logon name # 10022. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_LASTTRANSLATIONDATE | Overloaded. Last translation: Date # 10024. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_LASTTRANSLATIONTIME | Overloaded. Last translation: Time # 10048. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. | |
PROJ_LASTUSEDBUILDNUMBER | Overloaded. Last EPLAN build number used # 10044. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. | |
PROJ_LASTUSEDVERSION | Overloaded. Last EPLAN version used # 10043. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. | |
PROJ_LEADIN | Overloaded. Input lead # 10040. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_LOCATION | Overloaded. Location # 10035. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_LOCATIONOFINSTALLATION | Overloaded. Place of installation # 10032. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_MAKE | Overloaded. Make # 10030. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_MANUFACTURINGDATE | Overloaded. Manufacturing date # 10042. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_NAME | Overloaded. Project name # 10000. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. | |
PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_BUSBAR | Overloaded. Naming format for busbars # 10073. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_CABLE | Overloaded. Naming format for cables # 10081. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_DEVICE | Overloaded. Naming format for devices # 10075. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_DEVICEBOX | Overloaded. Naming format for black boxes # 10076. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_DISTRIBUTOR | Overloaded. Naming format for fluid connection splicer / line connector # 10084. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_FLUID | Overloaded. Naming format for fluid devices # 10083. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_INTERRUPTIONPOINT | Overloaded. Naming format for interruption points # 10071. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_LOCATIONBOX | Overloaded. Naming format for structure boxes # 10082. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_MASTERDEVICES | Overloaded. Superior naming format for all devices # 10074. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_MECHANIC | Overloaded. Naming format for mechanical devices # 10086. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_PAGE | Overloaded. Naming format for pages # 10070. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_PLC | Overloaded. Naming format for PLC / bus technology # 10077. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_PLUG | Overloaded. Naming format for plugs # 10080. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_TERMINALSTRIP | Overloaded. Naming format for terminal strips # 10079. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_NUMERICTYPE | Overloaded. Type of project # 10902. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. | |
PROJ_ORIGIN | Overloaded. Project template # 10069. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_PAGECOUNT | Overloaded. Total no. of pages # 10300. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. | |
PROJ_PARTFEATURES | Overloaded. Part features # 10033. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_PDD_DEVICES_HIERARCHY | Overloaded. Structure of the tree structure in the device navigators # 10094. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_PDD_DEVICES_SHOWDESCRSTRUCTURES | Overloaded. Show descriptive identifiers in device navigators # 10095. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_PDD_PAGES_HIERARCHY | Overloaded. Structure of tree structure in page tree # 10092. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_PDD_PAGES_SHOWDESCRSTRUCTURES | Overloaded. Show descriptive identifiers in page tree # 10093. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_POWERINPUT | Overloaded. Power supply # 10039. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_PROJECTBEGIN | Overloaded. Project start # 10028. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_PROJECTEND | Overloaded. Project end # 10026. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_PROJECTPATH | Overloaded. Project path # 10010. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. | |
PROJ_PROJECTSTATUS | Overloaded. Project status # 10303. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. | |
PROJ_REGULATION | Overloaded. Regulation # 10036. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_RESPONSIBLEFORPROJECT | Overloaded. Responsible for project # 10025. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_REVISION_APPROVEDBY | Overloaded. Approved by # 10160. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_REVISION_APPROVEDDATE | Overloaded. Approved date # 10161. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_REVISION_CHECKEDBY | Overloaded. Checked by # 10162. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_REVISION_CHECKEDDATE | Overloaded. Checked date # 10163. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_REVISION_LOG_DATE | Overloaded. Revision date (change tracking) # 10158. | |
PROJ_REVISION_LOG_DESCRIPTION | Overloaded. Revision comment (change tracking) # 10156. | |
PROJ_REVISION_LOG_EDITINGAREA | Overloaded. Defined working section (from change tracking) # 10195. | |
PROJ_REVISION_LOG_NAME | Overloaded. Revision name (change tracking) # 10155. | |
PROJ_REVISION_LOG_START | Overloaded. Revision: Change tracking started # 10154. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_REVISION_LOG_TIME | Overloaded. Revision time (change tracking) # 10159. | |
PROJ_REVISION_LOG_USER | Overloaded. Revision created by (change tracking) # 10157. | |
PROJ_REVISION_LOG_USERCODE | Overloaded. User code (change tracking) # 10190. | |
PROJ_REVISION_LOG_USEREMAIL | Overloaded. User: E-mail address (change tracking) # 10193. | |
PROJ_REVISION_LOG_USERNAME | Overloaded. User name (change tracking) # 10191. | |
PROJ_REVISION_LOG_USERPHONE | Overloaded. User: Phone number (change tracking) # 10192. | |
PROJ_REVISION_TEMP | Overloaded. Revision: Temporary reference project # 10164. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_REVISIONS | Overloaded. Revisions # 10150. | |
PROJ_REVISIONSPARENT | Overloaded. Revision: Original project name (complete) # 10151. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_REVISIONSPARENT_NAME | Overloaded. Revision: Original project name # 10149. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. | |
PROJ_SERIALNUMBERDONGLE | Overloaded. License number of dongle # 10185. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. | |
PROJ_SHOWDTSTRUCTURETAB | Overloaded. Show tab for DT structures # 10008. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_SOURCELANGUAGE | Overloaded. Source language # 10500. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. | |
PROJ_STATION | Overloaded. Workstation # 10182. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_STRUCTURESEQUENCE_PAGE | Overloaded. Sequence of the project structures in the page name # 10089. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJ_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD | Overloaded. Supplementary field # 10901. | |
PROJ_TIMEPERPAGETYPE | Overloaded. Last modification time per page type # 10251. | |
PROJ_TYPE | Overloaded. Project: Type # 10031. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJECT_AREA | Overloaded. AutomationML: Building # 10952. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJECT_ENTERPRISE | Overloaded. AutomationML: Company # 10950. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJECT_HIGHEST_REVISION_INDEX | Overloaded. Highest revision index (change tracking) # 10098. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. | |
PROJECT_INSTALLATIONSPACECOUNT | Overloaded. Number of layout spaces # 10304. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. | |
PROJECT_POWERDISSIPATION_FREQUENCY | Overloaded. Thermal design: Frequency # 10311. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJECT_POWERDISSIPATION_POWER_OF_ZONE | Overloaded. Thermal design: Total power dissipation for air-conditioning field # 10313. | |
PROJECT_POWERDISSIPATION_SIMULTANEITYFACTOR | Overloaded. Thermal design: Simultaneity factor # 10312. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJECT_POWERDISSIPATION_VOLTAGE | Overloaded. Thermal design: Voltage # 10310. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJECT_PRODUCTION_LINE | Overloaded. AutomationML: Plant # 10953. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJECT_SITE | Overloaded. AutomationML: Works # 10951. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJECT_SUBPROJECTORIGIN | Overloaded. Subproject of # 25100. This property isn't indexed. | |
PROJECT_WORK_CELL | Overloaded. AutomationML: Area # 10954. This property isn't indexed. | |
Property | Overloaded. Method used by operator[] in order to access indexed properties. | |
PROPUSER_DBOBJECTID | Overloaded. Object identification # 2000. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.StorableObjectPropertyList) | |
PROPUSER_LAST_USERCODE | Overloaded. Last editor: ID # 3010. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. | |
PROPUSER_LAST_USEREMAIL | Overloaded. Last editor: E-mail # 3013. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. | |
PROPUSER_LAST_USERNAME | Overloaded. Last editor: Name # 3011. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. | |
PROPUSER_LAST_USERPHONE | Overloaded. Last editor: Phone # 3012. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. | |
SUBPROJECT_NUMBER | Overloaded. Subproject number # 25101. This property isn't indexed. |
Name | Description | |
CopyTo | Overloaded. Copies properties to other property list. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.UniversalPropertyList) | |
Dispose() | Destructor for deterministic finalization of ProjectPropertyList object. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.UniversalPropertyList) | |
Exists | Overloaded. Checks property existence for used obiect. | |
getPropList | Internal method. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.UniversalPropertyList) |