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Online Numbering of Fluid DTs (ISO 1219-2)

When you use norm-conform identification to ISO 1219-2 for fluid devices, EPLAN offers the following online numbering possibilities:

  • Numbering of the Item numbers On symbol insertion
  • Optionally numbering of the Circuit or the Item number On insertion of macros and copies.

The following section provides examples of how you can use these numbering options.


  • You have opened a project.
  • The project was created by using the FL_1219-2_bas001.zw9 basic project. This basic project has the effect that fluid device tags are structured to ISO 1219-2 with a trade-specific Media code, a Circuit number and an Item number.
  • You have created a page of the type "Fluid power schematic" and have opened the page in the graphical editor.

Numbering item numbers on insertion of symbols

  1. Insert a symbol from one of the installed fluid symbol libraries into the schematic page.

    In the Displayed DT field a device tag is suggested automatically that disposes of a trade-dependent media code (depending on the trade of the device last inserted), a circuit number (beginning with "0"), a separator (.) as well as an item number. If there is no device in the schematic, the item number in the DT begins with "1".
  2. Click [OK] to close the property dialog and place the symbols further times. Observe the numbering of the devices in the Displayed DT field of the property dialog respectively.

    The circuit number remains unchanged at all devices, while the item number is increased by "1" after each insertion.

Numbering an item number or circuit number on insertion of macros and copies

When inserting macros and when copying symbols you can specify whether the Item number or the Circuit number is to be incremented in the DT during online numbering.

  1. Delete all the symbols on the schematic page.
  2. Insert a window macro from one of the installed fluid macro directories into the schematic page. Or copy a fluid-specific symbol that is already inserted into the Clipboard and insert it into the schematic page.
  3. Move the macro or symbol attached to the cursor to the desired position in the schematic and place it with a mouse-click in the schematic.
  4. First deactivate the Number circuit number if existing check box in the Insertion mode dialog.
  5. Click [OK].
  6. Place the macro or the symbol several times into the schematic.
  7. Look at the numbering of the devices just inserted.

    The deactivated Number circuit number if existing setting has the effect that the item number of the fluid device that is identified in accordance with ISO 1219-2 is increased by "1" whenever the macro or the symbol is inserted. The circuit number by contrast remains unchanged.
  8. Insert the macro or the copied symbol several times into the schematic again.
  9. This time activate the Number circuit number if existing check box in the Insertion mode dialog.
  10. Look again at the numbering of the inserted device copies.

    The activated Number circuit number if existing setting has the effect that the circuit number of the fluid device that is identified in accordance with ISO 1219-2 is increased by "1" whenever the macro or the symbol is inserted. The item number by contrast remains unchanged.

See also