Member | Value | Description |
Amount_ofSubstance_kmol | 3075 | kmol (kilomole) |
Amount_ofSubstance_mmol | 3073 | mmol (millimole) |
Amount_ofSubstance_Mmol | 3076 | Mmol (megamole) |
Amount_ofSubstance_mol | 3074 | mol (mole) |
Amount_ofSubstance_umol | 3072 | µmol (micromole) |
Area_a | 3588 | a (Ar == 100 square meters) |
Area_cm2 | 3585 | cm² (square centimeter) |
Area_cm2_ru | 3599 | см² (square centimeter) |
Area_cmil | 3597 | cmil (circular mil) |
Area_dm2 | 3586 | dm² (square decimeter) |
Area_dm2_ru | 3600 | дм² (square decimeter) |
Area_ft2 | 3592 | ft² (square foot) |
Area_ha | 3589 | ha (hectare == 10000 square meters) |
Area_In2 | 3591 | In² (square inch) |
Area_kcmil | 3596 | kcmil (kilo circular mil) |
Area_km2 | 3590 | km² (square kilometer) |
Area_km2_ru | 3602 | км² (square kilometer) |
Area_m2 | 3587 | m² (square meter) |
Area_m2_ru | 3601 | м² (square meter) |
Area_MCM | 3595 | MCM (thousand circular mils) |
Area_mm2 | 3584 | mm² (square millimeter) |
Area_mm2_ru | 3598 | мм²^ (square millimeter) |
Area_qmm | 3594 | qmm (square millimeter) |
Area_sq_mile | 3603 | mile² (square mile) |
Area_um2 | 3604 | µm² (square micrometer) |
Area_yd2 | 3593 | yd² (square yard) |
Conductivity_MS_m | 5891 | MS/m (Megasiemens per meter) |
Conductivity_S_cm | 5889 | S/cm (Siemens per centimeter) |
Conductivity_S_in | 5890 | S/in (Siemens per inch) |
Conductivity_S_m | 5888 | S/m (Siemens per meter) |
Current_A | 1286 | A (Ampere) |
Current_A_ch | 1287 | |
Current_A_ru | 1288 | А (ampere) |
Current_kA | 1289 | kA (kiloampere) |
Current_kA_ch | 1290 | |
Current_kA_ru | 1291 | кА (kiloampere) |
Current_mA | 1283 | mA (milliampere) |
Current_MA | 1292 | MA (mega ampere) |
Current_mA_ch | 1284 | |
Current_MA_ch | 1293 | |
Current_mA_ru | 1285 | мА (milliampere) |
Current_MA_ru | 1294 | МА (megaampere) |
Current_uA | 1280 | µA (microampere) |
Current_uA_ch | 1281 | |
Current_uA_ru | 1282 | мкА (microampere) |
EMPTY | 0 | no unit |
Filesize_b | 5120 | Byte (Byte) |
Filesize_GB | 5123 | GB (gigabyte) |
Filesize_KB | 5121 | KB (kilobyte) |
Filesize_MB | 5122 | MB (megabyte) |
Filesize_TB | 5124 | TB (terabyte) |
Freuqency_GHz | 1027 | Ghz (gigahertz) |
Freuqency_Hz | 1024 | Hz (hertz == 1/s) |
Freuqency_kHz | 1025 | kHz (kilohertz) |
Freuqency_MHz | 1026 | MHz (megahertz) |
Length_cm | 262 | cm (centimeter) |
Length_cm_ch | 263 | |
Length_cm_ru | 264 | см (centimeter) |
Length_DefaultGridSize | 284 | default grid size |
Length_dm | 265 | dm (decimeter) |
Length_dm_ch | 266 | |
Length_dm_ru | 267 | дм (decimeter) |
Length_feet | 280 | feet (foot/feet) |
Length_foot | 281 | foot (foot/feet) |
Length_ft | 279 | ft (foot/feet) |
Length_in | 275 | in (inch) |
Length_inch | 277 | 'inch' (inch) |
Length_Inch | 276 | Inch' (inch) |
Length_km | 272 | km (kilometer) |
Length_km_ch | 273 | |
Length_km_ru | 274 | км (kilometer) |
Length_m | 268 | m (meter) |
Length_m_ch | 270 | |
Length_m_ru | 271 | м (meter) |
Length_Meter | 269 | Meter (meter) |
Length_mil | 294 | mil (mil == 1/1000 inch) |
Length_mile | 295 | mile (mile) |
Length_mm | 259 | mm (millimeter) |
Length_mm_ch | 260 | |
Length_mm_ru | 261 | мм (millimeter) |
Length_Project_cable | 286 | default length unit for conductors from the project settings |
Length_Project_cooling | 290 | default length unit for coolant lines from the project settings |
Length_Project_electric | 287 | default length unit for wires from the project settings |
Length_Project_hydraulic | 288 | default length unit for hydraulic lines from the project settings |
Length_Project_lubrication | 291 | default length unit for lubrication lines from the project settings |
Length_Project_pneumatic | 289 | default length unit for pneumatic lines from the project settings |
Length_Project_process | 292 | default length unit for process engineering from the project settings |
Length_um | 256 | µm (micrometer) |
Length_um_ch | 257 | |
Length_um_ru | 258 | мкм (micrometer) |
Length_User_length | 285 | user defined length unit |
Length_yard | 283 | yard (yard) |
Length_yd | 282 | yd (yard) |
Length_zoll | 278 | " (inch) |
Length_Zoll | 293 | Zoll (inch) |
Luminosity_cd | 3330 | cd (candela) |
Luminosity_kcd | 3331 | kcd (kilocandela) |
Luminosity_mcd | 3329 | mcd (millicandela) |
Luminosity_Mcd | 3332 | Mcd (megacandela) |
Luminosity_ucd | 3328 | µcd (microcandela) |
Mass_per_Volume_g_m3 | 6657 | g/m³ (grams per volume) |
Mass_per_Volume_kg_m3 | 6656 | kg/m³ (kilograms per volume) |
Mass_per_Volume_mg_m3 | 6658 | mg/m³ (milligrams per volume) |
Power_btu_h | 2059 | BTU/h (British thermal unit per hour) |
Power_btu_min | 2060 | BTU/min (British thermal unit per minute) |
Power_btu_s | 2061 | BTU/s (British thermal unit per second) |
Power_GW | 2053 | GW (gigawatt) |
Power_hp | 2054 | hp (horsepower) |
Power_kj_h | 2056 | kJ/h (kilojoules per hour) |
Power_kj_min | 2057 | kJ/min (kilojoules per minute) |
Power_kj_s | 2058 | kJ/s (kilojoules per second) |
Power_kW | 2051 | kW (kilowatt) |
Power_mW | 2049 | mW (milliwatt) |
Power_MW | 2052 | MW (megawatt) |
Power_PS | 2055 | PS (pferdestärke) |
Power_uW | 2048 | µW (microwatt) |
Power_W | 2050 | W (watt) |
Pressure_bar | 2567 | bar (bar) |
Pressure_hPa | 2563 | hPa (hectopascal) |
Pressure_kPa | 2564 | kPa (kilaopascal) |
Pressure_mbar | 2565 | mbar (millibar) |
Pressure_millibar | 2566 | Millibar (millibar) |
Pressure_mPa | 2561 | mPa (millipascal) |
Pressure_MPa | 2570 | MPa (megapascal) |
Pressure_Pa | 2562 | Pa (pascal) |
Pressure_psi | 2569 | psi (pounds per square inch) |
Pressure_Torr | 2568 | Torr (Torr) |
Pressure_uPa | 2560 | µPa (micropascal) |
Quantity_pc | 5634 | quantity (pc) |
Quantity_pc_ru | 5635 | quantity (шт) |
Quantity_Stck | 5633 | quantity (Stck) |
Quantity_Stueck | 5632 | quantity (Stück) |
Radius_grad | 4096 | ° (degree) |
Radius_rad | 4097 | rad (radiants) |
Resistor_GOhm | 1797 | GΩ (giga-ohm) |
Resistor_kOhm | 1795 | kΩ (kilo-ohm) |
Resistor_mOhm | 1793 | mΩ (milli-ohm) |
Resistor_MOhm | 1796 | MΩ (mega-ohm) |
Resistor_Ohm | 1794 | Ω (ohm) |
Resistor_Siemens | 1798 | S (Siemens == 1/Ω) |
Resistor_uOhm | 1792 | µΩ (micro-ohm) |
RotationalSpeed_pm | 6404 | /min (revolutions per minute) |
RotationalSpeed_ps | 6405 | /s (revolutions per second) |
RotationalSpeed_rpm | 6402 | rpm (revolutions per minute) |
RotationalSpeed_rps | 6403 | rps (revolutions per second) |
RotationalSpeed_upm | 6400 | U/min (revolutions per minute) |
RotationalSpeed_ups | 6401 | U/sek (revolutions per second) |
Temperature_C | 2305 | °C (centigrade) |
Temperature_F | 2308 | °F (Fahrenheit) |
Temperature_K | 2304 | K (Kelvin) |
Temperature_Ra | 2306 | °Ra (Rankine) |
Temperature_Re | 2307 | °Ré (Réaumur) |
TemperatureCoefficient_1_K | 6144 | 1/K (1/Kelvin) |
Time_d | 783 | d (day) |
Time_d_ch | 784 | |
Time_d_ru | 785 | дн (day) |
Time_h | 780 | h (hour) |
Time_h_ch | 781 | |
Time_h_ru | 782 | ч (hour) |
Time_min | 777 | min (minute) |
Time_min_ch | 778 | |
Time_min_ru | 779 | мин (minute) |
Time_ms | 771 | ms (millisecond) |
Time_ms_ch | 772 | |
Time_ms_ru | 773 | мс (millisecond) |
Time_s | 774 | s (second) |
Time_s_ch | 775 | |
Time_s_ru | 776 | с (second) |
Time_us | 768 | µs (microsecond) |
Time_us_ch | 769 | |
Time_us_ru | 770 | мкс (microsecond) |
TransmissionRate_bps | 5376 | bps (bytes per second) |
TransmissionRate_Gbps | 5379 | Gbps (gigabytes per second) |
TransmissionRate_kbps | 5377 | Kbps (kilobytes per second) |
TransmissionRate_Mbps | 5378 | Mbps (megabytes per second) |
TransmissionRate_Tbps | 5380 | Tbps (terabytes per second) |
Voltage_kV | 1545 | kV (kilovolt) |
Voltage_kV_ch | 1546 | |
Voltage_kV_ru | 1547 | кВ (kilovolt) |
Voltage_mV | 1539 | mV (millivolt) |
Voltage_MV | 1548 | MV (megavolt) |
Voltage_mV_ch | 1540 | |
Voltage_MV_ch | 1549 | |
Voltage_mV_ru | 1541 | мкВ (millivolt) |
Voltage_MV_ru | 1550 | МВ (megavolt) |
Voltage_uV | 1536 | µV (microvolt) |
Voltage_uV_ch | 1537 | |
Voltage_uV_ru | 1538 | мкВ (microvolt) |
Voltage_V | 1542 | V (volt) |
Voltage_V_ch | 1543 | |
Voltage_V_ru | 1544 | В (volt) |
Volume_cl | 3851 | cl (centiliter) |
Volume_cm3 | 3850 | cm³ (cubic centimeter) |
Volume_dl | 3852 | dl (deciliter) |
Volume_dm3 | 3853 | dm³ (cubic decimeter) |
Volume_ft3 | 3855 | ft³ (cubic foot) |
Volume_gal | 3859 | gal (gallon) |
Volume_hl | 3844 | hl (hecto liter) |
Volume_in3 | 3854 | in³ (cubic inch) |
Volume_l | 3841 | l (liter) |
Volume_l_ch | 3842 | |
Volume_l_ru | 3843 | л (liter) |
Volume_m3 | 3845 | m³ (cubic meter) |
Volume_m3_ch | 3846 | |
Volume_m3_ru | 3847 | м³ (cubic meter) |
Volume_ml | 3840 | ml (milliliter) |
Volume_mm3 | 3849 | mm³ (cubic millimeter) |
Volume_oz_vol | 3857 | fl.oz (fluid ounce) |
Volume_pt | 3858 | pt (pint) |
Volume_qm | 3848 | qm (cubic meter) |
Volume_yd3 | 3856 | yd³ (cubic yard) |
VolumeStream_cl_h | 4620 | cl/h (centiliters per hour) |
VolumeStream_cl_min | 4621 | cl/min (centiliters per minute) |
VolumeStream_cl_s | 4622 | cl/s (centiliters per second) |
VolumeStream_cm3_h | 4617 | cm³/h (cubic centimeters per hour) |
VolumeStream_cm3_min | 4618 | cm³/min (cubic centimeters per minute) |
VolumeStream_cm3_s | 4619 | cm³/s (cubic centimeters per second) |
VolumeStream_dl_h | 4623 | dl/h (deciliters per hour) |
VolumeStream_dl_min | 4624 | dl/min (deciliters per minute) |
VolumeStream_dl_s | 4625 | dl/s (deciliters per second) |
VolumeStream_dm3_h | 4626 | dm³/h (cubic centimeters per hour) |
VolumeStream_dm3_min | 4627 | dm³/min (cubic centimeters per minute) |
VolumeStream_dm3_s | 4628 | dm³/s (cubic centimeters per second) |
VolumeStream_ft3_h | 4638 | ft³/h (cubic feet per hour) |
VolumeStream_ft3_min | 4639 | ft³/min (cubic feet per minute) |
VolumeStream_ft3_s | 4640 | ft³/s (cubic feet per second) |
VolumeStream_gal_h | 4650 | gal/h (gallons per hour) |
VolumeStream_gal_min | 4651 | gal/min (gallons per minute) |
VolumeStream_gal_s | 4652 | gal/s (gallons per second) |
VolumeStream_hl_h | 4629 | hl/h (hectoliters per hour) |
VolumeStream_hl_min | 4630 | hl/min (hectoliters per minute) |
VolumeStream_hl_s | 4631 | hl/s (hectoliters per second) |
VolumeStream_in3_h | 4635 | in³/h (cubic inches per hour) |
VolumeStream_in3_min | 4636 | in³/min (cubic inches per minute) |
VolumeStream_in3_s | 4637 | in³/s (cubic inches per second) |
VolumeStream_l_h | 4608 | l/h (liters per hour) |
VolumeStream_l_min | 4609 | l/min (liters per minute) |
VolumeStream_l_s | 4610 | l/s (liters per second) |
VolumeStream_m3_h | 4632 | m³/h (cubic meters per hour) |
VolumeStream_m3_min | 4633 | m³/min (cubic meters per minute) |
VolumeStream_m3_s | 4634 | m³/s (cubic meters per second) |
VolumeStream_ml_h | 4614 | ml/h (milliliters per hour) |
VolumeStream_ml_min | 4615 | ml/min (milliliters per minute) |
VolumeStream_ml_s | 4616 | ml/s (milliliters per second) |
VolumeStream_mm3_h | 4611 | mm³/h (cubic millimeters per hour) |
VolumeStream_mm3_min | 4612 | mm³/min (cubic millimeters per minute) |
VolumeStream_mm3_s | 4613 | mm³/s (cubic millimeters per second) |
VolumeStream_oz_vol_h | 4644 | fl.oz/h (fluid ounces per hour) |
VolumeStream_oz_vol_min | 4645 | fl.oz/min(fluid ounces per minute) |
VolumeStream_oz_vol_s | 4646 | fl.oz/s (fluid ounces per second) |
VolumeStream_pt_h | 4647 | pt/h (pints per hour) |
VolumeStream_pt_min | 4648 | pt/min (pints per minute) |
VolumeStream_pt_s | 4649 | pt/s (pints per second) |
VolumeStream_yd3_h | 4641 | yd³/h (cubic yards per hour) |
VolumeStream_yd3_min | 4642 | yd³/min (cubic yards per minute) |
VolumeStream_yd3_s | 4643 | yd³/s (cubic yards per second) |
Weight_carat | 533 | Karat (carat) |
Weight_dz | 526 | dz (Doppelzentner, 2 centners == 100 kilograms) |
Weight_g | 518 | g (grams) |
Weight_g_ch | 519 | |
Weight_g_ru | 520 | г (gram) |
Weight_kg | 522 | kg (kilogram) |
Weight_kg_ch | 523 | |
Weight_kg_ru | 524 | кг (kilogram) |
Weight_lb | 531 | lb (pound-mass) |
Weight_lbs | 532 | lbs (pounds) |
Weight_mg | 515 | mg (milligram) |
Weight_mg_ch | 516 | |
Weight_mg_ru | 517 | мг (milligram) |
Weight_oz | 530 | oz (ounce) |
Weight_per_Length_g_km | 4352 | g/km (grams per kilometer) |
Weight_per_Length_g_m | 4353 | g/m (grams per meter) |
Weight_per_Length_g_mm | 4354 | g/mm (grams per millimeter) |
Weight_per_Length_kg_km | 4362 | kg/km (kilograms per kilometer) |
Weight_per_Length_kg_m | 4355 | kg/m (kilograms per meter) |
Weight_per_Length_lb_ft | 4357 | lb/ft (pounds per foot) |
Weight_per_Length_lb_in | 4356 | lb/in (pounds per inch) |
Weight_per_Length_lb_yd | 4358 | lb/yd (pounds per yard) |
Weight_per_Length_oz_ft | 4360 | oz/ft (ounces per foot) |
Weight_per_Length_oz_in | 4359 | oz/in (ounces per inch) |
Weight_per_Length_oz_yd | 4361 | oz/yd (ounces per yard) |
Weight_pfund | 521 | Pfund (pound) |
Weight_t | 527 | t (metric ton) |
Weight_t_ch | 528 | |
Weight_t_ru | 529 | т (metric ton) |
Weight_tnsh | 535 | (Short ton) |
Weight_ug | 512 | µg (microgram) |
Weight_ug_ch | 513 | |
Weight_ug_ru | 514 | мкг (microgram) |
Weight_User_weight | 534 | user defined weight unit |
Weight_ztr | 525 | ztr (centner == 50 kilograms) |
WeightStream_kg_h | 4864 | kg/h (kilograms per hour) |
WeightStream_kg_min | 4865 | kg/min (kilograms per minute) |
WeightStream_kg_s | 4866 | kg/s (kilograms per second) |
WeightStream_lb_h | 4873 | lb/h (pounds per hour) |
WeightStream_lb_min | 4874 | lb/min (pounds per minute) |
WeightStream_lb_s | 4875 | lb/s (pounds per second) |
WeightStream_oz_h | 4876 | oz/h (ounces per hour) |
WeightStream_oz_min | 4877 | oz/min (ounces per minute) |
WeightStream_oz_s | 4878 | oz/s (ounces per second) |
WeightStream_t_h | 4867 | t/h (metric tons per hour) |
WeightStream_t_min | 4868 | t/min (metric tons per minute) |
WeightStream_t_s | 4869 | t/s (metric tons per second) |
WeightStream_tn_sh_h | 4870 | (short tons per hour) |
WeightStream_tn_sh_min | 4871 | (short tons per minute) |
WeightStream_tn_sh_s | 4872 | (short tons per second) |
Work_Cal | 2822 | Cal (calories) |
Work_GJ | 2821 | GJ (gigajoule) |
Work_J | 2818 | J (joule) |
Work_kJ | 2819 | kJ (kilojoule) |
Work_kWh | 2828 | kWh (kilowatt hour) |
Work_kWmin | 2827 | kWmin (kilowatt minute) |
Work_kWs | 2825 | kW (kilowatt second) |
Work_mJ | 2817 | mJ (millijoule) |
Work_MJ | 2820 | MJ (megajoule) |
Work_Nm | 2823 | Nm (Newton meter) |
Work_uJ | 2816 | µJ (microjoule) |
Work_Wh | 2826 | Wh (watt hour) |
Work_Ws | 2824 | Ws (watt second) |