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Dialog Configure segment definitions - <Project name>

You create user-defined segment definitions in this dialog. These segment definitions are saved in a project-specific manner, and can be used in the same way as the predefined segment definitions in the project. For orientation purposes, the project name is also displayed in the dialog title bar.

When inserting macros and copying to another project, user-defined segment definitions are inserted as well. If the identifying name does not exist in the target project, the segment definition is created in the target project and marked as "Do not use anymore".


Please note that the configuration of segment definitions is not possible in multi-user operation.

Overview of the main dialog elements:

On the left in the dialog, the user-defined segment definitions that exist in the current project are displayed in a tree view. The basic segment definitions are displayed as the top hierarchy level; below that, the segment definitions are displayed with their displayed names. If you have not created any segment definitions of your own yet, only the predefined ones will be displayed. You can select multiple segment definitions. Some functionalities – such as the creation of new segment definitions or the configuration of the segment properties – are not possible at a multiple selection and are grayed-out in such a case.

The following basic segment definitions are available:


In contrast to the other segment definitions only a few settings are possible at the pre-definitions for the pipe class and substance templates. In addition to the setting Only display 'Do not use anymore' these are in the Configuration tab only the setting Displayed name, the check box Do not use anymore as well the selection of user-defined icons via the [Icon] button. In addition you can still assign user-defined properties to the pre-definitions for the pipe class and substance templates in the Segment properties tab.

Only display 'Do not use anymore':

If this check box is enabled, only segments are displayed in the tree view that are marked as "Do not use anymore". For these segments, the Do not use anymore check box has been enabled on the Configuration tab.





Opens the New segment definition dialog, and allows you to create a segment definition.


Deletes the highlighted segment definition, if it is not used in the project. Used segment definitions cannot be deleted.


Allows for segment definitions to be imported from another project into the current project.


Allows for highlighted segment definitions to be exported to a file in the XML format. Segment definitions identified as "Do not use anymore" will not be exported.

Highlight the basic segment definition below which you want to create a segment definition, and select the New popup menu item, or click (New) above the field. Then, enter a unique identifying name in the New segment definition dialog. We recommend that you start the name with your company code. The identifying name may contain upper-case and lower-case letters, numbers and the special characters ".-_&". At least one point must be used in the name; however, the point must not be at the beginning or end of the name. The string "EPLAN" at the beginning is not permitted either.


The identifying name cannot be changed later on.


When you highlight a segment definition (e.g., "Planning object general"), and select the New popup menu item, you can create a copy of this segment definition, rename and edit it.

Tab Configuration

Identifying name:

Here, the unique name is displayed that you specified when you created the segment definition. The segment definition is managed in EPLAN under this name.

Displayed name:

Here, enter the name under which the segment definition will be displayed in the project. Multi-lingual entry is possible.

Display format navigator:

Click [...] to open the Format dialog. There, you specify the properties to be displayed at a segment in the pre-planning navigator to which this segment definition is assigned. Information of the segment or also indirect properties of superior / subordinate segments can be displayed by means of the available format elements. For example you can display the name of the segment template, the part number of the part entered at the segment, the DT of the assigned function, etc.

Can be inserted in:

Here, you specify below which other segment definitions this segment definition may be inserted. Click [...] in order to open the Select segment definitions dialog. Enable the corresponding check boxes. If several identical segment definitions are to be nested below each other, you must also enable the check box for the current segment definition. For a segment definition to be available there for the selection, you must first have saved it with [Apply].

Preceding sign:

Enter here the character that is displayed in front of the designation of a segment with this segment definition in the Full designation property. If this field is empty, a space is used by default.

Preceding sign also at the beginning:

If this check box is enabled, the preceding sign of a segment with this segment definition is always displayed in the full designation. That is, the preceding sign is displayed even if a segment represents the top hierarchy level in the tree structure, and its designation is placed at the beginning of the full designation.

If the check box is disabled, the preceding sign is hidden when the respective segment is at the beginning of the full designation. This is the default setting.

Group box Properties


From the drop-down list, select the type of properties to be displayed in the table.

Depending on the selected category, the user-defined pre-planning properties defined in the Configure properties dialog (accessible via the Configure popup menu item) are displayed in the table. The (New) button allows you to add more properties. You can assign these properties to the segment definitions, and thus display them in the project as well as output them in reports.

In the table, you assign properties to the segment definition that are to be available for segments with this segment definition. You can preset the values of the properties. The table contains the following columns:

For planning objects, you can also specify the Trade here that is assigned to a planning object with this segment definition by default.

The formats for block properties can be used to transfer structure information or properties of the future planning object into the detailed planning.





Opens the Property selection dialog, in which you can select further properties and add them to the properties table. (Properties inserted in this manner are added to the bottom of the table.) This way, the property is available for the segment definition.


Deletes the selected line. This way, the property is no longer available for the segment definition.

Do not use anymore:

If this check box is enabled, the segment definition in the project is write-protected. When compressing the project, such segment definitions can be deleted if they are not used in the project.



Use this button to open the Icon selection dialog. Depending on the selected basic segment definition, some predefined icons are offered for selection here. As an alternative you can select your own icon in the User-defined field. Use the adjacent [...] button to open the Select icon dialog. Navigate through the directory structure to select the required icon that is to be displayed at this segment in the pre-planning navigator. You can use icon files as well as JPEG and BMP image files.

Tab Segment properties

In the table, you assign user-defined properties to the segment definition that are to be available for segments with this segment definition. You can preset the values of the properties. The table contains the following columns:


User-defined properties can only be selected here if they exist in the project. The following options are available to this purpose:

You can use the arrow buttons above the table to change the sequence of the properties. The sequence determined here is also taken into account during the output of the properties in reports.




Opens the Property selection dialog, in which you can select further properties and add them to the properties table. (Properties inserted in this manner are added to the bottom of the table.) This way, the property is available for the segment definition.


Deletes the selected line. This way, the property is no longer available for the segment definition.

(Move to the beginning)

Moves the highlighted properties to the first row position.

(Move up)

Moves the highlighted properties up one row position.

(Move down)

Moves the highlighted properties down one row position.

(Move to the end)

Moves the highlighted properties to the last row position.


If you delete properties for a segment definition later on, it may happen that these properties are still used at some segments in the project. If you assign to a segment another segment definition subsequently, this segment may have properties that are no longer permitted for the new segment definition. When compressing projects, such properties can be removed from the project completely.

Tab Numbering / Availability

In this tab you can specify the settings for numbering designations and structure identifiers for the segment definitions. In addition you can configure a write protection for the segment definitions of the segments and can specify for all segment definitions which tabs are available for the entry of data at the segments.

Designation numbering:

In the following fields of this group box separate specifications can be made for the designation numbering for the different segment definitions. This configuration specifies how the segments are numbered during inserting.

Start value:

The entry in this field defines the start value for numbering.

Minimum number of digits:

The value in this field defines the minimum number of digits to be used for the result. This value only affects the positions before the decimal point. If the result has fewer digits before the decimal point than specified here, then the missing digits are padded with the filler character you have defined in the Filler character field.


The value in this field determines the increment between consecutive numbers when numbering.

Filler character:

The character in this field is used as the filler character. Missing positions are filled in with this filler character. The number of digits filled depends on the value you entered in the Minimum number of digits field.

Write protection and numbering for structure identifier:

By means of the write protection you can configure the segment definitions of the structure segments so that only the structure identifiers of one identifier block (for example higher-level function, mounting location, etc.) can be inserted and edited per structure level in the pre-planning navigator.

For the other segment definitions you can configure a write protection for the individual components of the structure identifiers (such as the property Higher-level function (single component) at planning objects, PCT loops, etc.).

The table contains the following columns:

You can additionally carry out the settings for write protection or for numbering for the property Symbolic address (single component) in addition to for the structure identifiers of the segments.

Available data:

In this table you can configure the segment definitions so that only the tabs for the required data are displayed at the segments. This way you can hide the tabs PLC and Macro for example at planning objects that do not have macros of PLC inputs.

The table contains the following columns:

If tabs are not available on principle for the respective segment definition, the corresponding rows are grayed out.


If data are stored at a segment in a tab, this tab is displayed even if the display in the Available data table is activated.

See also