Name | Description | |
AddString | Adds a string in the requested language. | |
Clear | Removes the contents. | |
ContainsData | Returns whether strings are saved in the MultiLanguageString. | |
DeleteAllStringsExceptFor | Removes unused translations. | |
DeleteString | Deletes the language setting. | |
Dispose | Destructor for deterministic finalization of MultiLangString object. | |
GetAsString | Converts an MultiLangString to a string. The languages are appended to one another, all having the same format. | |
GetLanguageList | Returns the list of the languages currently saved in this MultiLangString. | |
GetString | Returns the string in the requested language | |
GetStringToDisplay | Returns the string that is to be displayed in accordance with the passed language. This may be the string saved for this language or, if there is no such string, a language-independent string. | |
IsEqual | Compares every string in every language. If a string is different in one language, then == returns FALSE. If an language string exists in one of the MultiLangStrings but not in the others, this function returns FALSE even if the language string is empty. | |
SetAsString | Sets the contents of a MultiLangString with a string passed as argument using language marker if necessary. If argument is in MultiLangString form, it will be parsed and saved under given languages. Otherwise '??_??@' prefix is added which means that the object is visible the same in every language. | |
ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. | |
Translatable | Indicates whether the MultiLanguageString can be translated. |