Eplan Platform API
EPLAN API / User Guide / API Framework / Using EPLAN in other applications / EPLAN Remoting
In This Topic
    EPLAN Remoting
    In This Topic

    EPLAN Remoting is a part of API which enables user to connect to an EPLAN Platform variant and control it in remote way. Internally it uses WCF technology. 

    The connection is established from client application (a .Net program written by API user) to existing EPLAN instance which is available in network. 

    The condition is that EPLAN variant is started as remoting server (without /NoRemoting parameter). 


    EPLAN Remoting consits of following libraries:


    Both dlls are stored in EPLAN Platform bin folder. Bellow are examples how to use it. 


    Establishing connection with localhost:  

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    EplanRemoteClient m_pClient = new EplanRemoteClient();
    bool bConnected = m_pClient.Connect("localhost", "49155");   //default port for EPLAN instance is 49155

    Establishing connection with a remote server:

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    EplanRemoteClient m_pClient = new EplanRemoteClient();
    bool bConnected = m_pClient.Connect("remote_server", "49155", new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 5));   //wait 5 seconds


    Start EPLAN instance locally from a client:

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    List<EplanServerData> oInstalledEplanVersions = new List<EplanServerData>(); m_pClient.GetInstalledEplanVersionsOnLocalMachine(out oInstalledEplanVersions); EplanServerData oConnected = oEplanRemoteClient.StartEplan(oInstalledEplanVersions[0].EplanPath);

    To make sure that EPLAN Server was started, please check registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\EPLAN\RemoteServer\<port_number> 


    Calling an action :

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    bool oResp = m_pClient.ExecuteAction("XPartsManagementStart");


    Calling action in asynchronous mode:

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    m_pClient.SynchronousMode = false; m_pClient.ExecuteAction("XPartsManagementStart");

    In this case program starts action and continues. 


    Calling action in synchronous mode, for example to get input from user:

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    m_pClient.SynchronousMode = true; CallingContext oCallingContext = new CallingContext(); m_pClient.ExecuteAction("XPamSelectPart", ref oCallingContext);

    In this case program waits until action execution is finished. 


    Listing servers on a local machine:

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    List<EplanServerData> oActiveEplanVersions = new List<EplanServerData>();
    m_pClient.GetActiveEplanServersOnLocalMachine(out oActiveEplanVersions);
    foreach (EplanServerData oVersion in oActiveEplanVersions)
       Console.WriteLine(oVersion.EplanVariant + "," + oVersion.EplanVersion + "," + oVersion.ServerPort);

     Getting installed servers: 
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    List<EplanServerData> oInstalledEplanVersions = new List<EplanServerData>();
    m_pClient.GetInstalledEplanVersionsOnLocalMachine(out oInstalledEplanVersions);
    foreach (EplanServerData oVersion in oInstalledEplanVersions)
       Console.WriteLine(oVersion.EplanVariant + "," + oVersion.EplanVersion + "," + (oVersion.Is64Bit ? "64" : "32");

    Making selection:

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    StringCollection oObjects = new StringCollection(); oObjects.Add(@"17/688");
    EplanResponse oResponse = m_pClient.SelectEplanObjects(@"$(MD_PROJECTS)\EPLAN_Sample_Project.elk", oObjects, true);


    Disconnection :

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