Eplan Platform API
EPLAN API / API Reference / Actions / XPamSelectPart
In This Topic
    In This Topic
     Starts the part selection (using the configured database).

    Parameter Description
    ID of the database (optional input parameter).
    Determines whether multiple parts can be selected (optional input parameter).
     Possible values: 0 = No (Allows multiple selections) , 1 = Yes (Only allows a single selection). Default value = 1.
    Number of selected parts (output parameter).
     If the parameter SingleSelection is set to 1, SelectedPartsCount can only be 1 or 0.
    PartNr of the selected part (output parameter). "<nr>" needs to be replaced with the index of the selected part (1, 2, ...).
    Variant of the selected part (output parameter). "<nr>" needs to be replaced with the index of the selected part (1, 2, ...).
    PartType of the selected part (output parameter). "<nr>" needs to be replaced with the index of the selected part (1, 2, ...).

     The result of the output parameters is returned in the CallingContext.
     See also: "User Guide" > "API Framework" > "Add-Ins" > "Actions" > "Calling actions".

     Enable selection of multiple parts. After calling the action, check the calling context for PartNr, Variant and PartType of the first selected part:
     String strAction = "XPamSelectPart";
     ActionManager oAMnr = new ActionManager();
     Eplan.EplApi.ApplicationFramework.Action oAction = oAMnr.FindAction(strAction);
     if (oAction != null)
                    ActionCallingContext actionCallingContext = new ActionCallingContext();
                    actionCallingContext.AddParameter("SingleSelection", "false");
                    bool bRet = oAction.Execute(actionCallingContext);
                    if (bRet)
                            string partNr1 = "";
                            string variant1 = "";
                            string partType1 = "";
                            actionCallingContext.GetParameter("PartNr1", ref partNr1);
                            actionCallingContext.GetParameter("Variant1", ref variant1);
                            actionCallingContext.GetParameter("PartType1", ref partType1);