Eplan Platform API
EPLAN API / API Reference / Actions / partsmanagementapi
In This Topic
    In This Topic
    Action class for exporting and importing parts and other parts management items like addresses, constructions, terminals, accessory lists and accessory placements.

    Parameter Description


    Type of task to be performed:
    "IMPORT": Import parts (and other record types)
    "EXPORT": Export parts (and other record types)
    "EXPORTPARTS": Exports parts via the property numbers of specified properties
    "EXPORTMANUFACTURERS": Exports manufacturers via the property numbers of specified properties
    "EXPORTCONSTRUCTIONS": Exports construction via the property numbers of specified properties
    "EXPORTCONNECTIONPATTERNS": Exports connection point pattern via the property numbers of specified properties
    "EXPORTACCESSORYLISTS": Exports accessory list via the property numbers of specified properties
    "EXPORTACCESSORYPLACEMENTS": Exports accessory placements via the property numbers of specified properties


    The directory and the file name of the file to be imported must be specified here. This only applies to "IMPORT".


    The directory and the file name of the file to be exported must be specified here. The file extension is automatically added by the system. This only applies to "EXPORT".


    File format ("XPamImportXml","XPamExportXml", or user-defined format) (optional). "IXPartsImportExportEdz" - export to .edz and import from .edz.
    "XPamExportXml" is the default format value for tasks of TYPE "EXPORT".
    "XPamImportXml" is the default format value for tasks of TYPE "IMPORT".


    Used for exporting parts: Part number of article (optional). 


    Used for exporting addresses: Long name of an address (optional).


    Used for exporting constructions: Name of construction (optional).


    Used for exporting terminals: Name of terminal (optional).


    Used for exporting accessory lists: Name of accessorylist (optional). 


    Used for exporting accessory placements: Name of accessoryplacement (optional).


    Used for Importing: Import mode  (optional).
    Supported modes are:
    0: Append new records only
    1: Update existing records only
    2: Update existing records and append new ones
    Default value = 0, append new records only. If an invalid value is set, the default value 0 will be used.


    Valid only when TYPE has "IMPORT" value (optional).
    If the value of this parameter is 1, multi-language properties will be updated with another language values rather than being replaced with the file's content.
    If the parameter is omitted, content of the file replaces values of multi-language properties.


    Configuration scheme for export parts. 
    Filter is empty by default. Using scheme allows to filter which items (e.g. parts, addresses, constructions, etc.) should be imported or exported.


    Article property number. Where n in PROPERTYIDn is a number corresponding to n number in PROPERTYVALUEn.


    Value for given article property number. Where n in PROPERTYVALUEn is a number corresponding to n number in PROPERTYIDn.

    In order to export more than one item, please use parameter item type + counter with following number of exported item (for example /PARTNUMBER1:A-B.100-C09EJ01 /PARTNUMBER2:A-B.140M-C-AFA11, etc)
    If an error occurs during a parts list operation, a "BaseException" is thrown.

    Export a part, manufacturer and construction:
    partsmanagementapi /TYPE:EXPORT /EXPORTFILE:C:\temp\PartsList.xml /PARTNUMBER:A-B.100-C09EJ01 /MANUFACTURER:LAPP /CONSTRUCTION:A-B.100-C_FS0_I_CH_DP
    Export 2 parts and 2 manufacturers to XML format:
    partsmanagementapi /TYPE:EXPORT /EXPORTFILE:C:\temp\PartsList.xml /PARTNUMBER1:A-B.100-C09EJ01 /PARTNUMBER2:A-B.140M-C-AFA11 /MANUFACTURER1:LAPP /MANUFACTURER2:Rittal
    Export all parts to EDZ format:
    partsmanagementapi /TYPE:EXPORT /FORMAT:IXPartsImportExportEdz /EXPORTFILE:C:\temp\PartsList.edz /PARTNUMBER1:*

    Import from XML:
    partsmanagementapi /TYPE:IMPORT /MODE:1 /IMPORTFILE:C:\temp\PartsList.xml
    Import from EDZ:
    partsmanagementapi /TYPE:IMPORT /FORMAT:IXPartsImportExportEdz /IMPORTFILE:C:\temp\PartsList.edz
    Import from EDZ with mode 'Append new records only':
    partsmanagementapi /TYPE:IMPORT /MODE:0 /FORMAT:IXPartsImportExportEdz /IMPORTFILE:C:\temp\PartsList.edz

    Export parts with use FILTERSCHEME:
    partsmanagementapi /TYPE:EXPORT /FILTERSCHEME:ExportFilterScheme /EXPORTFILE:C:\temp\PartsList.xml

    Export every part with variant '2' or manufacturer 'ABB':
    Export every construction with name 'FES.130642' or 'RIT.SV9677x65':
    partsmanagementapi /TYPE:EXPORTCONSTRUCTIONS /PROPERTYID1:22931 /PROPERTYVALUE1:FES.130642 /PROPERTYID2:22931 /PROPERTYVALUE2:RIT.SV9677x65 /EXPORTFILE:C:\temp\ConstructionsList
    Export every manufacturer with short name 'PXC' to .edz format:
    partsmanagementapi /TYPE:EXPORTMANUFACTURERS /FORMAT:IXPartsImportExportEdz /PROPERTYID1:22900 /PROPERTYVALUE1:PXC /EXPORTFILE:C:\temp\Manufactures