EPLAN API currently provides users with access to EPLAN Pro Panel objects. In general, any functionality that can be done via the user interface is also available in the API Pro Panel.
This chapter gives the user an overview of how API objects can be used in EPLAN Pro Panel. The following pages show how to create particular objects and how they look in the GUI.
API Pro Panel was created as an extension to the standard API DataModel (Eplan.EplApi.DataModelu.dll assembly).
So there is a new namespace Eplan:EplApi:DataModel:E3D for 3D classes and HEServices methods that operate on them.
Usually it is enough to have EPLAN Electric P8 to use API Pro Panel. However, some methods / properties however may require the installation of EPLAN Pro Panel with appropriate license.
The diagram below shows the hierarchy of the most important classes in the Pro Panel API.