Eplan Platform API
EPLAN API / User Guide / API Miscellaneous / Signing EPLAN assemblies
In This Topic
    Signing EPLAN assemblies
    In This Topic

    As a part of your EADN (EPLAN API Developer Network) partnership with EPLAN GmbH & Co. KG, you get the opportunity to sign your software interface with our products. This allows you (or your customer) to use the API assembly without having an EPLAN API developer license on his workstations. Instead, he receives – through you – a runtime license for an API interface. 

    This chapter describes how you (or your developers) should proceed, to get properly signed EADN modules. 


    What is possible with API licenses?

    At first there should be clarified why signing is necessary. There are 2 kinds of API licenses: 

    a) API developer license – It should be used only for development and testing of an API interface. Normally it has a limitation of a maximum size of EPLAN projects to 5 pages. Only unsigned API programs can be loaded using it.

    b) API runtime license – In this case there can be used only signed API programs, so we need to sign it. The routine how to do it is described bellow. 


    A user can check available licenses and select one by starting EPLAN with shift key (then the Select license dialog will appear). When EPLAN is already running, the current license can be retrieved from: 

    a) the About EPLAN dialog

    b) in the API using the  EplApplication.License  property and the  License  class. 


    The Concept of EADN / API Runtime signing

    EADN / API Runtime signing uses a concept of combining standard .NET strong-naming with additionally including an EPLAN license option to the software.
    To achieve this combination, please follow the instructions in this chapter. 



    After you have concluded your EADN contract or purchased an API Runtime license and you created a new software interface with EPLAN, the main administrator of your EPLAN cloud organization will get informed about a new entitlement for using the cloud-based EADN Signing service. Additionally, you will receive a file containing the public part of a standard signature key, normally used for strong-naming a .NET assembly. We created this key especially for your software. 

    For using the EPLAN-Cloud based signing service, you have to be member of the regarding organization and got assigned the role User to the application EADN Singing:



    How to proceed

    Take the following steps to get your application EADN / API Runtime signed: 


    Modify the AssemblyInfo.cs 

    In your software projects, you need to add an additional attribute to your  AssemblyInfo  files of all the assemblies that are referencing EPLAN API Assemblies. The  EplanSignedAssemblyAttribute  is implemented in the  Eplan.EplApi.Starter.dll, which you always have to reference in your API application. The following example shows how to use the attribute in your  AssemblyInfo  file:

    Copy Code
    using System.Reflection;
    using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using Eplan.EplApi.Starter;
    [assembly: EplanSignedAssemblyAttribute(true)]


    Delay sign the assemblies 

    The easiest way for delay signing your assemblies (DLL  or  exe) is entering the public key file in the signing properties of your software projects in Visual Studio. Check Sign the assembly and activate the Delay sign only flag. See the following image: 


    The delay signing is done, when building the software project and with it creating the assembly. 

    Alternatively, you can use Microsoft's Assembly Linker "Al.exe" to manually delay sign assemblies. Please refer to respective MSDN documentation. 


    Upload files manually

    Log in to the EPLAN Cloud Developer Portal https://developer.eplan.com

    An EPLAN Cloud account is required to access the developer portal.

    As an old alternative to the "Upload files manually" step, you can use the outdated but still working method of uploading via EPLAN File Exchange. For this see "Outdated process: Using the EPLAN File Exchange".


    Authorize manual usage of EADN-Signing

    1. Select EADN-Signing in available list of APIs
    2. Click on Authorize
        → The authorization dialog opens
    3. Click the drop-down list and select EADN Signing
    4. Click on Authorize
        → The API is allowed for manual usage via Try it out feature
    5. Click on Close
        → The authorization dialog is closed
        → Activated authorization is shown via closed lock symbol
    When a different API is selected in the list of available APIs, an active authorization is discarded. Repeat the above steps to perform an authorization again.


    Upload pre-signed assemblies / executables



    1. Click on endpoint POST /assemblies
        → Section gets expanded and show more details
    2. Click on Try it out
        → Enables value entry in the Request Body section
    3. Click on Add file item
        → Adds a new Choose file row
    4. Click on Choose file
        → File selection dialog opens
        → Select pre-signed assembly
        → Confirm with Open to add local file for upload
        → Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each file which needs to get signed
    5. (Optional) Add personal Comment for full upload-job
        → The authorization dialog is closed
    6. Click on Execute
        → All selected files will get uploaded and tried to get signed
    7. Check Response of server in column Code
    8. Select and copy value of ID in Response body, for later usage of all files


    Check status of uploaded files

    Log in to the EPLAN Cloud Developer Portal https://developer.eplan.com
    If required, perform Authorize manual usage of EADN-Signing.
    Make sure you have the ID of the desired upload process handy (see also "Select and copy value of ID in Response body").

    Use the endpoint GET /assemblies to return a list of all existing uploaded packages inside your organization and determine the required ID.


    1. Click on endpoint GET /assemblies/{id}/status
        → Section gets expanded and show more details
    2. Click on Try it out
        → Enables value entry in the Parameters section
    3. Insert previous copied ID into parameter Id of the uploaded package
    4. Click on Execute
        → Details about given signing job are getting returned
    5. Check response of server in section Responses and get details about results of signing process


    Receive the signed Assemblies manually

    Log in to the EPLAN Cloud Developer Portal https://developer.eplan.com
    If required, perform Authorize manual usage of EADN-Signing
    Make sure you have the ID of the desired upload process handy (see also "Select and copy value of ID in Response body").

    Use the endpoint GET /assemblies to return a list of all existing uploaded packages inside your organization and determine the required ID.


    1. Click on endpoint GET /assemblies/{id}
        → Section gets expanded and show more details
    2. Click on Try it out
        → Enables value entry in the Parameters section
    3. Insert previous copied ID into parameter Id of the uploaded package
    4. Click on Execute
        → Download request is getting executed
    5. Click on Download file in section Responses
        → Save file selection dialog opens
        → Confirm with Save to download the file


    Delete uploaded files manually

    Log in to the EPLAN Cloud Developer Portal https://developer.eplan.com
    If required, perform Authorize manual usage of EADN-Signing (see also "Limitations" below)
    Make sure you have the ID of the desired upload process handy (see also "Select and copy value of ID in Response body")

    Use the endpoint GET /assemblies to return a list of all existing uploaded packages inside your organization and determine the required ID.


    1. Click on endpoint DELETE /assemblies/{id}
        → Section gets expanded and show more details
    2. Click on Try it out
        → Enables value entry in the Parameters section
    3. Insert previous copied ID into parameter Id of the uploaded package
    4. Click on Execute
        → Delete request is getting executed
    5. Check result request in column Code in section Responses


    Fully automated signing process

    Preparations / prerequisites

    To take advantage of fully automated signing of assemblies during the build process of Visual Studio, you must create a personal access token (further called PAT) for the application EADN Signing inside the profile editor of your EPLAN Cloud organization.

    See EPLAN Cloud help:
       • Open My Settings
       • Add personal access token (PAT)
       • Roles and permissions

       Without assigned role User to EADN Service, no PAT creation is available for the user.
       Removing already assigned role User from EADN Signing makes existing PAT invalid.
       No prolonging of already created PAT (new one needed after expiration)
       E-Mail notification is automatically sent from EPLAN Cloud.

    Download the provided PowerShell script from the Developer Portal
    EADN Singing for using it in Post-build event of Visual Studio.


    An example for calling the script including available parameters can be found inside the script itself:

    Copy Code
    # Example command line:
    # powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -file "<YourFolderName>\PostBuildScript.ps1" -comment "This is a test comment from $(USERNAME)" -accessToken "<YourPATforEADNSigningService>" -assemblies "<SourceFolderWithPreSignedFiles>\$(TargetFileName)" -destinationPath "<TargetFolder>" -deleteAfterwards

    Depending on your IT guidelines, calling PowerShell scripts without bypassing executions policy may return an error.
    The active policy can get checked via running command  Get-ExecutionPolicy -List

    See also Microsoft documentation.


    Parameter description

    Parameter name Mandatory Description
    baseUrl No Only for signing in Chinese environment; use parameter value*:
    comment No Comment for complete upload job
    accessToken Yes PAT which was created in User profile
    assemblies Yes Filename(s) of assemblies / executables which have to get signed
    destinationPath Yes Local target folder for downloading result-package (via PowerShell script target directory is tried to get created if missing)
    deleteAfterwards No Delete upload-job after tried signing automatically (Note: storage quota limitations)

    *current baseUrl can be viewed at any time in the Developer Portal

    Example: Command line call for signing a single file (not China!)
    powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -file "<YourFolderName>\PostBuildScript.ps1" -comment "This is a test comment from $(USERNAME)" -accessToken "<YourPATforEADNSigningService>"
    -assemblies "<SourceFolderWithPreSignedFiles>\$(TargetFileName)" -destinationPath "<TargetFolder>" -deleteAfterwards

    Example: Command line call for signing multiple files (not China!)
    powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -file "<YourFolderName>\PostBuildScript.ps1" -comment "This is a test comment from $(USERNAME)" -accessToken "<YourPATforEADNSigningService>"
    -assemblies "<SourceFolder1>\<YourFile1.dll>,<SourceFolder2>\<YourFile2.dll>" -rootDirectory "<PathToDirectoryOfAssemblies>" -destinationPath "<TargetFolder>" -deleteAfterwards

    Example: Command line call for signing a single file (China only!)
    powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -file "<YourFolderName>\PostBuildScript.ps1" -baseUrl "https://api.epulse-eplan.cn/eadn-signing/v1.0" -comment "This is a test comment from $(USERNAME)" -accessToken "<YourPATforEADNSigningService>"
    -assemblies "<SourceFolderWithPreSignedFiles>\$(TargetFileName)" -destinationPath "<TargetFolder>" -deleteAfterwards

    Example: Command line call for signing multiple files (China only!)
    powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -file "<YourFolderName>\PostBuildScript.ps1" -baseUrl "https://api.epulse-eplan.cn/eadn-signing/v1.0" -comment "This is a test comment from $(USERNAME)" -accessToken "<YourPATforEADNSigningService>"
    -assemblies "<SourceFolder1>\<YourFile1.dll>,<SourceFolder2>\<YourFile2.dll>" -rootDirectory "<PathToDirectoryOfAssemblies>" -destinationPath "<TargetFolder>" -deleteAfterwards


    Adopt command line for PostBuild-event in Visual Studio


    1. Click on Build events
        → Pre- and Post-build details of Visual Studio are shown
    2. Click on Edit Post-build…
        → Post-build Event Command Line dialog opens
    3. Paste required command line call
    4. Click on OK
        → Post-build Command Line dialog is closed

    Output console will show details after building:


    All files (no matter if singing process, was successful or not) will get extracted to given folder in parameter  destinationPath.



      • The filenames in one upload have to be unique. Adding the same filename multiple times (on the same folder level) is not allowed, because it can not be reflected in the ZIP-file for download.

      • Each upload job can have a max. total file size of ~40 MB

      • There is an upload limit of max. 9999 kept upload jobs for each organization.

      • No automatic “cleanup” is done in organization storage.

      • If upload limit is reached, older uploaded files have to get deleted before new uploads are possible.

    It is recommended to delete uploaded files directly after signing (no matter if signing was successful or not), to avoid reaching the upload limit at all.

    Further details can be also found in the Developer Portal: ProblemTypes of EADN signing


    Special cases

    a) How to sign automatically generated serialization DLLs

    If you use an automatically created serialization DLL for your classes, you need to delay-sign them via the sgen.exe tool. This tool can be found the SDK directory of your development environment. 

    "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\SDK\v2.0\bin\sgen.exe" /compiler:/delaysign+ /assembly:"MyDllToBeSerialized.dll" /proxytypes
    /reference:"Eplan.EplApi.AFu.dll" /reference:<…all further references you need> /compiler:/keyfile:"D:\MyPublicKey.snk"

    b) Signing of your own COM interop DLLs

    As you probably know, any strong-named .NET assembly can only reference / load other strong-named assemblies. In case your application registers COM DLLs, the development environment normally automatically creates so-called interop DLLs, which contain the .NET wrapping of the respective COM methods. Normally, these DLLs are not signed. To create these assemblies in an already delay-signed way Microsoft provides the command line tool tlbimp.exe – also to be found in the SDK directory of your development environment. See the following example, how it is used: 

    "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\SDK\v2.0\Bin\tlbimp.exe" yourComInterface.dll /delaysign /publickey:C:\YourKeyFilePublic.snk /out:Interop.yourComInterface.dll


    Outdated process: Using the EPLAN File Exchange

    As an old alternative to the "Upload files manually" step, you can use the outdated but still working method of uploading via EPLAN File Exchange:


    You need the login data of your account for the EPLAN file exchange web site and the main administrator of your EPLAN cloud organization will get informed about new entitlement for using the cloud-based EADN Signing service.


    Zip and Upload to EPLAN File Exchange

    Create one or several ZIP archives containing all the assemblies to be signed. Please take into account that the zip files may not be password-protected. 

    Log in to the EPLAN file exchange portal at https://service.eplan.de/exchange with the login data mentioned above. 


    Select the software project for which the assemblies should be signed. The project has to be the same as the one for which you received and used the respective public key. 


    Now upload the zip file to our server by clicking Upload one file, selecting the zip file and clicking Upload. This triggers the signing process. 



    Receive the signed Assemblies

    As soon as your files have been signed you will receive an email that you can download the ready-signed files again from our file exchange portal. Log in again and find your files under "My downloads". The ZIP file contains an additional log file with a message, whether the signing was successful or not. In case the signing procedure failed, the log file will contain further information about the problem. 


    What to do in case of problems

    In case of any problems with signing, please write to EPLAN API Support: support-eplan@eplan.de.