Eplan Platform API
EPLAN API / User Guide / API Miscellaneous / IdentityClient
In This Topic
    In This Topic

    This chapter shows how to work with the  Eplan.IdentityClient.Authentification  and  Eplan.IdentityClient.Types  namespaces.


    First create an  IEIdentityClient  object and make sure you are signed in to the EPLAN Cloud:

    // Create IdentityClient instance
    IEIdentityClient IdentityClient = EIdentityClient.Instance;
    // Make sure you are signed in to EPLAN Cloud
    Task<AuthenticationData> signInData = IdentityClient.Signin();
    AuthenticationData signInResult = signInData.Result;
    // Check if success
    if (signInResult.IsSuccess)
        new Decider().Decide(EnumDecisionType.eOkDecision, "Sign in success", "Result", EnumDecisionReturn.eOK, EnumDecisionReturn.eOK);


    Get example information from the user cloud profile:

    // User profile information
    Task<IdentityClientResponse> userProfile = IdentityClient.GetUserProfile();
    IdentityClientResponse getUserProfileResult = userProfile.Result;
    // Show exmaple information
    if (getUserProfileResult.IsSuccess)
        string message = $"Organization Name: {getUserProfileResult.OrganizationName},\nEmail: {getUserProfileResult.Email}";
        new Decider().Decide(EnumDecisionType.eOkDecision, message, "UserProfile success", EnumDecisionReturn.eOK, EnumDecisionReturn.eOK);


    Set the  ClientId  name to work with a specific API service in the EPLAN Cloud:

    // ClientId of specific EPLAN Cloud API application
    string ClientId = "Proper_Client_Id_Name";


    ClientId  is case-sensitive and can be found on EPLAN Cloud Developer Portal inside tooltip of product tag:       



    Use the  GetHttpClient()  method to work with EPLAN Cloud API endpoints:

    // Initialize httpClient object
    var url = "https://api.eplan.com/estockservice/v2.0/";
    HttpClient httpClient = null;
    IdentityClientResponse httpClientRespone = IdentityClient.GetHttpClient(strClientId, url, ref httpClient);
    // Get collections
    if (httpClientRespone.IsSuccess)
         HttpResponseMessage GetAsyncResult = httpClient.GetAsync("collections").Result;
         string message = $"Status: {GetAsyncResult.StatusCode.ToString()},\nResult: {GetAsyncResult.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result}";
         new Decider().Decide(EnumDecisionType.eOkDecision, message, "Get result", EnumDecisionReturn.eOK, EnumDecisionReturn.eOK);


    The  GetAccessToken()  is called internally by  GetHttpClient(), but it is still possible to use this method directly:

    // Get access Token
    IdentityClientResponse tokenResponse = IdentityClient.GetAccessToken(strClientId);


    Sign out and exit:

    // Sign out
    Task<IdentityClientResponse> response = IdentityClient.Signout();
    IdentityClientResponse signOutResult = response.Result;
    if (signOutResult.IsSuccess)
        new Decider().Decide(EnumDecisionType.eOkDecision, "Sign out success", "Result", EnumDecisionReturn.eOK, EnumDecisionReturn.eOK);
    // Exit IdentityClient
    IdentityClientResponse exitResponse = IdentityClient.Exit();
    if (exitResponse.IsSuccess)
        new Decider().Decide(EnumDecisionType.eOkDecision, "Exit success", "Result", EnumDecisionReturn.eOK, EnumDecisionReturn.eOK);

    Warning about deprecated endpoints

    To receive a warning when a deprecated URL is addressed, the  EplanCloudResourceDeprecationEvent  must be subscribed to. In the following example, a message box will pop up as soon as a deprecated endpoint is addressed:



    For this purpose, an event handler is registered for the EplanCloudResourceDeprecationEvent.


    // Create an IdentityClient instance
    IEIdentityClient IdentityClient = EIdentityClient.Instance;
    // Create an endpoint deprecation event handling
    EventHandler<EplanCloudResourceDeprecationArgs> DeprecationHandler = (sender, args) =>
        // Show a message box that displays the deprecated URL as well as the deprecation timestamp and sunset timestamp
        string message = $"The Eplan URL '{args.Uri}' is depreacted. Deprecation: {args.Deprecation}. Sunset: {args.Sunset}.";
        // Register an event handler for the EplanCloudResourceDeprecationEvent
        IdentityClient.EplanCloudResourceDeprecationEvent += DeprecationHandler;
        // Call an Eplan Cloud deprecated endpoint
        string deprecatedURL = "yourDeprecatedEndpointURL";
        HttpClient httpClient = null;
        var result =
            IdentityClient.GetHttpClient(strClientId, deprecatedURL, ref httpClient);
        if (result.IsSuccess)
            var response = httpClient.GetAsync(deprecatedURL).Result;
            // Handle response
            if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                MessageBox.Show($"Eplan Cloud call failed. Error = {response.ReasonPhrase}");
            // Give the deprecation message some time to pop up
            MessageBox.Show("Waiting for event...");
    catch (Exception e)
        // Unregister the event handler for EplanCloudResourceDeprecationEvent
        IdentityClient.EplanCloudResourceDeprecationEvent -= DeprecationHandler;