Eplan Platform API
EPLAN API / User Guide / API DataModel / EPLAN properties
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    EPLAN properties
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    The EPLAN API allows accessing object properties, i.e. characteristics that are visible in GUI in the Properties dialog. 

    This is possible through the  Properties  property which is defined for almost all data model objects. 

    The list of all available properties for a particular object can be found in the properties of the  Properties  class (for example  Properties::AllMDSymbolLibraryPropIDs). 


    Property types

    EPLAN properties are typed. The property values can have one of the following types: 


    With help of the PropertyDefinition.PropertyType, you can determine the type of a property:


    PropertyDefinition.PropertyType Corresponding .NET Framework type
    Variable System.String
    String System.String
    Time System.DateTime
    Bool System.Boolean
    Double System.Double
    Coord System.Double
    Long System.Int64

    The following example gets the type of a page property: 

    PropertyDefinition.PropertyType oPropType = oPage.Properties[Properties.Page.DESIGNATION_PLANT].Definition.Type;
    Dim oPropType As PropertyDefinition.PropertyType = oPage.Properties(Properties.Page.DESIGNATION_PLANT).Definition.Type


    Setting and getting a property

    The following example shows how to set a  bool  property: 

    oFunction.Properties[Properties.Function.FUNC_ARTICLE_SUPPRESSINPARTSLIST] = true;
    oFunction.Properties(Properties.Function.FUNC_ARTICLE_SUPPRESSINPARTSLIST) = PropertyValue.op_Implicit(True)

    The following example shows how to get a  MultiLangString  property (project description): 


    MultiLangString mlTest = oProject.Properties[Properties.Project.PROJ_INSTALLATIONNAME];
    Dim mlTest As MultiLangString = oProject.Properties(Properties.Project.PROJ_INSTALLATIONNAME).ToMultiLangString()


    As an alternative syntax, you can also write: 

    MultiLangString mlTest = oProject.Properties.PROJ_INSTALLATIONNAME;
    Dim mlTest As MultiLangString = oProject.Properties.PROJ_INSTALLATIONNAME.ToMultiLangString()


    Finally an example that loops over all  string  properties of a project: 

     string strTmp = string.Empty;
     PropertyValue oPropValue;
     // Iterate over all project properties
     foreach (AnyPropertyId hPProp in Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.Properties.AllProjectPropIDs)
         // Check if exists
         if (!m_oProject.Properties[hPProp].IsEmpty)
             if (m_oProject.Properties[hPProp].Definition.Type == PropertyDefinition.PropertyType.String)
                 // Read string property
                 oPropValue = m_oProject.Properties[hPProp];
                 strTmp = oPropValue.ToString();
    Dim strTmp As String = String.Empty
    Dim oPropValue As PropertyValue
    ' Iterate over all project properties
    Dim hPProp As AnyPropertyId
    For Each hPProp In  Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.Properties.AllProjectPropIDs
       ' Check if exists
       If Not m_oProject.Properties(hPProp).IsEmpty Then
          If m_oProject.Properties(hPProp).Definition.Type = PropertyDefinition.PropertyType.String Then
             ' Read string property
             oPropValue = m_oProject.Properties(hPProp)
             strTmp = oPropValue.ToString()
          End If
       End If
    Next hPProp


    Setting name properties

    In the case of the name properties, their setting must be done through the  .NameParts  property, for example:
    var functionBasePropertyList = new FunctionBasePropertyList();
    // Set function name
    functionBasePropertyList.DESIGNATION_LOCATION = "A1";
    functionBasePropertyList.DESIGNATION_PLANT = "E01";
    oNewFunction.NameParts = functionBasePropertyList;
    The only difference is with  DESIGNATION_PRODUCT  property. It needs to be set by  FUNC_CODE  and  FUNC_COUNTER  then it is composed from them.


    Conversion property value to another types

    It is possible to get a property as a value of the .NET Framework type or EPLAN API type (for example  Eplan.EplApi.Base.MultiLangString). It can be done explicitly by the  PropertyValue.To<type>(), for example:

    Copy Code
    string strStringValue = oFunction.Properties.FUNC_CODE.ToString();  

    or implicitly:

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    int nValue = oFunction.Properties.FUNC_CRAFT;

    It is not allowed to convert the property value to a non-matching type, for example  MultiLangString  to  int. In such cases, a runtime warning is generated (as an EPLAN system message) or an exception is thrown:

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    string strValue = oArticle.Properties.ARTICLE_DEPTH.ToString(); // Will generate a system warning
    double dValue = oArticle.Properties.ARTICLE_DEPTH.ToDouble(); // OK
    string strValue2 = oArticle.Properties.ARTICLE_DEPTH.ToDouble().ToString("0.00", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // Also OK

    Here is a table that shows which conversions are allowed:






    Indexed properties

    Properties can have more than one value. In this case, we call it an "indexed property". The index is passed after the property designation. The example gets the index 1 of the function property  FUNC_CONNECTIONDESIGNATION

    strConnDes1 = oFunction.Properties[Properties.Function.FUNC_CONNECTIONDESIGNATION, 1].ToString();
    strConnDes1 = oFunction.Properties(Properties.Function.FUNC_CONNECTIONDESIGNATION, 1).ToString()



    strConnDes1 = oFunction.Properties.FUNC_CONNECTIONDESIGNATION[1].ToString();
    strConnDes1 = oFunction.FUNC_CONNECTIONDESIGNATION(1).ToString()

    User-defined properties

    EPLAN API supports also user-defined properties that were introduced in EPLAN 2.4.

    The following enhancements were added due to it: 

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    // Setting user-defined property
    oProject.Properties["EPLAN.Project.UserSupplementaryField1"] = "test1";
    // Getting user-defined property
    string strValue = oProject.Properties["EPLAN.Project.UserSupplementaryField1"];


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    // Create a new property definition:
    UserDefinedPropertyDefinition oUDPDProject = UserDefinedPropertyDefinition.Create(oCurrentProject, "API.Property.Project", UserDefinedPropertyDefinition.Enums.ClientType.Project);
    oCurrentProject.Properties["API.Property.Project"] = "something";
    var oCategory = oProject.Properties["EPLAN.Project.UserSupplementaryField1"].Category;  // Gets the category information
    MultiLangString strDisplayedName = oProject.Properties["EPLAN.Project.UserSupplementaryField1"].DisplayedName; // Gets the name that is displayed in the GUI properties window


    Copy Code
    public AnyPropertyId(
        ref Eplan::EplApi::DataModel::Project pProject,
        ref System::String strUserDefiniedPropertyIdentName


    Accessing default user-defined properties

    Some user-defined properties are created by default, for example "EPLAN.Project.UserSupplementaryField1".

    They have the same internal IDs as the old  *_CUSTOM_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD*  properties (like "PROJ_CUSTOM_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD01", etc). 

    The use of old identifiers is still possible for compatibility reasons, but they generate warnings and will be removed in the future. 

    Therefore, please replace them with the new IDs to avoid problems in forthcoming EPLAN versions: 


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    MultiLangString oMLS = oProject.Properties.PROJ_CUSTOM_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD01;             // Old code, generates warning
    MultiLangString oMLS = oProject.Properties["EPLAN.Project.UserSupplementaryField1"];     // New code
    m_oTestProject.Properties.FUNC_ARTICLE_CUSTOM_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD01[1] = strTestValue;     // Old code, generates warning:
    ArticleReference oArticleReference = oProject.ArticleReferences[0];                       // New code
    oArticleReference.Properties["EPLAN.PartRef.UserSupplementaryField1"] = strTestValue;

    Accessing user-defined properties through ArticleReference parent object

    In the case of an  ArticleReference  object, when accessing a user-defined property through a parent  ArticleReference, it is necessary to add the  EPLAN.ArticleRef.  prefix to its identifying name. In addition, an index must be provided to indicate the position of the  ArticleReference  in the parent object.

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    var propertyValue1 = oArticleReference.Properties["UserProperty.1"].ToString();  // Accessing user-defined property from ArticleReference
    var propertyValue2 = oArticleReference.Parent.Properties["EPLAN.ArticleRef.UserProperty.1"][1].ToString(); // Accessing user-defined property from a parent of the ArticleReference