Eplan Platform API
EPLAN API / User Guide / API Framework / Using EPLAN in other applications / Using other applications
In This Topic
    Using other applications
    In This Topic

    The current topic describes, how you can use other applications, like for example Microsoft Excel in your EPLAN API add-in. 

    If you want to access data of an other program, the application needs to have a suitable interface. Because an EPLAN add-in is written in managed code (C# or VB.NET), you need to be able to set a reference to the other program. Either the other application already exposes its interface as .NET assembly, or the .NET Framework creates an interop assembly from a COM type library. 


    The following example shows the use of Microsoft Excel 2003. Excel exposes its functions as COM interface. In your EPLAN add-in, you can add a reference to the registered type library of Excel: 




    After you added the reference, the development environment creates an interop assembly. The types of this assembly then can be used in managed code (C#, etc.): 




    In your application code, the use of Excel would look like in the following example: 

    Excel.ApplicationClass oExcel= new Excel.ApplicationClass();
    new Decider().Decide(EnumDecisionType.eOkDecision, "Now Excel should be visible!" ,"", EnumDecisionReturn.eOK, EnumDecisionReturn.eOK);
    Excel.Workbooks iWorkBooks=oExcel.Workbooks;
    Excel.Workbook  iWorkBook= iWorkBooks.Add(Excel.XlWBATemplate.xlWBATWorksheet);
    Excel.Worksheet iSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)oExcel.ActiveSheet;
    new Decider().Decide(EnumDecisionType.eOkDecision, "All project messages are now written into an Excel worksheet!", "", EnumDecisionReturn.eOK, EnumDecisionReturn.eOK);
    Check oCheck = new Check();
    PrjMessagesCollection colPrjMsg = new PrjMessagesCollection(oProject);
    PrjMessagesEnumerator itPrjMsg = colPrjMsg.GetPrjMsgEnumerator();
    int nNr=1;
       ProjectMessage oPrjMsg = itPrjMsg.Current as ProjectMessage;
       if (oPrjMsg != null)
           iSheet.Cells[nNr, 1] = oPrjMsg.GetGroup().ToString() + GetId().ToString();
           iSheet.Cells[nNr, 2] = oPrjMsg.GetText();
    } while(itPrjMsg.MoveNext());
    new Decider().Decide(EnumDecisionType.eOkDecision, "Action completed!", "", EnumDecisionReturn.eOK, EnumDecisionReturn.eOK);
    Dim oExcel As New Excel.ApplicationClass()
    oExcel.Visible = True
    Dim dec As Decider = New Decider
    dec.Decide(EnumDecisionType.eOkDecision, "Now Excel should be visible!", "", EnumDecisionReturn.eOK, EnumDecisionReturn.eOK)
    Dim iWorkBooks As Excel.Workbooks = oExcel.Workbooks
    Dim iWorkBook As Excel.Workbook = iWorkBooks.Add(Excel.XlWBATemplate.xlWBATWorksheet)
    Dim iSheet As Excel.Worksheet = CType(oExcel.ActiveSheet, Excel.Worksheet)
    dec.Decide(EnumDecisionType.eOkDecision, "All project messages are now written into an Excel worksheet!", "", EnumDecisionReturn.eOK, EnumDecisionReturn.eOK)
    Dim oCheck As New Check()
    Dim colPrjMsg As New PrjMessagesCollection(oProject)
    Dim itPrjMsg As PrjMessagesEnumerator = colPrjMsg.GetPrjMsgEnumerator()
    Dim nNr As Integer = 1
       Dim oPrjMsg As ProjectMessage = itPrjMsg.Current
       If Not (oPrjMsg Is Nothing) Then
          nNr += 1
          iSheet.Cells(nNr, 1) = oPrjMsg.GetGroup().ToString() + GetId().ToString()
          iSheet.Cells(nNr, 2) = oPrjMsg.GetText()
       End If
    Loop While itPrjMsg.MoveNext()
    dec.Decide(EnumDecisionType.eOkDecision, "Action completed!", "", EnumDecisionReturn.eOK, EnumDecisionReturn.eOK)


    Excel is started as a separate process. The only object, you create with  new  is the  Excel.ApplicationClass. All other objects like  Excel.Workbook, are created – or queried from Excel – through functions of the  Application  object. 

    Each call of Excel functions is a communication between processes!