Eplan Platform API
EPLAN API / User Guide / API Higher Electrotechnical services / Placing window macros
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    Placing window macros
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    An EPLAN macro is a piece of schematics that can be introduced into a project – onto a page or as a page. EPLAN uses file macros. They can have the extension  *.ema  for window macros,  *.emp  for page macros, and  *.ems  for symbol macros. 

    For placing macros, the EPLAN API provides the class  Eplan.EplApi.HEServices.Insert. This class basically contains three overloaded methods for placing each type of macro. A window or symbol macro can be placed on a page either with absolute coordinates or with an offset relative to its original position. 


    The following example shows how to place a macro on a page at a given position:  

    Copy Code
    Insert oInsert = new Insert();
    oInsert.WindowMacro("$(MD_MACROS)\BECK.KL1012.ema", 0, m_oTestProject.Pages[9], new PointD(70.0, 0.0), Insert.MoveKind.Relative);

    Placing macros and assigning value sets

    If there are  PlaceHolder  objects in a macro, you can assign value sets using the result of the  Insert.WindoMacro  function: 


    Copy Code
            Insert oInsert = new Insert();
            StorableObject[] oInsertedObjects = oInsert.WindowMacro(@"$(MD_MACROS)MacroWithPlaceholder.ema", 0, m_oTestProject.Pages[9], new PointD(70.0, 0.0), Insert.MoveKind.Relative);
            foreach (StorableObject oSOTemp in oInsertedObjects)
                // We are searching for PlaceHolder "Three-Phase" in the results
                 PlaceHolder oPlaceHoldeThreePhase = oSOTemp  as Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.Graphics.PlaceHolder;
                if((oPlaceHoldeThreePhase != null)
                    (oPlaceHoldeThreePhase.Name == "Three-Phase")
                     oPlaceHoldeThreePhase.ApplyRecord("Motor 0,75 KW");