Name | Description | |
AUTOMATIONML_OBJECTID | AutomationML GUID # 25030. | |
ExistingIds | Returns array of property ids. Returns array of AnyPropertyId objects. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.UniversalPropertyList) | |
ExistingValues | Returns array of PropertyValue objects. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.UniversalPropertyList) | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_ADDITIONAL_BOOLFIELD | Supplementary field Yes / No # 20916. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_ADDITIONAL_TEXTFIELD | Suppl. field: Text # 20915. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_ASSEMBLY | Assembly # 20905. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_ASSEMBLY_STRUCTURE | Assembly structure # 20922. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_ASSEMBLYVARIANT | Assembly variant # 20923. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_ASSIGNMENT | Part allocation # 20904. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_CONSTRUCTION | Used drilling pattern # 20284. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_COUNT | Number of units / quantity # 20102. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_DESCR1 | Part: Designation 1 # 20193. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_DESCR2 | Part: Designation 2 # 20194. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_DESCR3 | Part: Designation 3 # 20203. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_ERPNR | ERP number # 31117. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_1 | Part: External document 1 # 20190. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_10 | Part: External document 10 # 20269. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_11 | Part: External document 11 # 20270. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_12 | Part: External document 12 # 20271. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_13 | Part: External document 13 # 20272. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_14 | Part: External document 14 # 20273. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_15 | Part: External document 15 # 20274. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_16 | Part: External document 16 # 20275. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_17 | Part: External document 17 # 20276. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_18 | Part: External document 18 # 20277. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_19 | Part: External document 19 # 20278. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_2 | Part: External document 2 # 20191. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_20 | Part: External document 20 # 20279. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_3 | Part: External document 3 # 20192. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_4 | Part: External document 4 # 20263. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_5 | Part: External document 5 # 20264. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_6 | Part: External document 6 # 20265. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_7 | Part: External document 7 # 20266. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_8 | Part: External document 8 # 20267. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_9 | Part: External document 9 # 20268. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_PLACEMENT | External placement # 20917. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_FUNCTIONGROUP | Function group # 20902. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_LIFETIME | Service time # 20909. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_MAINTENANCE | Lubrication / maintenance # 20912. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_MANUFACTURER | Manufacturer # 20921. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_MOUNTINGSITE | Part: Mounting surface # 20918. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_NOTE | Part description # 31014. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_ORDERNR | Order number # 20919. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_PARTIAL_LENGTH | Subset / length # 31008. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_PARTIAL_LENGTH_FULL | Subset / length (full) # 31091. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_PARTIAL_LENGTH_IN_PROJECT_UNIT | Subset / length in unit of project # 31040. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_PARTIAL_LENGTH_UNIT | Unit for subset / length # 31012. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_PARTIAL_LENGTH_VALUE | Subset / length: Value # 31010. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_PARTIAL_LENGTH_WITH_PROJECT_UNIT | Subset / length with unit of project # 31043. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_PARTNR | Part number # 20100. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_PARTTYPE | Record type # 20103. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_PIECETYPE | Part group # 20903. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_POSNR | Item number # 20464. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_QUANTITY_IN_PROJECT_UNIT | Quantity / subset in unit of project # 31044. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_SPARE | Spare part # 20907. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_STRESS | Stress # 20910. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_SUPPLIER | Supplier # 20920. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_SUPPRESSINPARTSLIST | Suppress in bill of materials (if filtered) # 20105. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_USAGE | Procurement # 20911. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_USED_SAFETYRELATEDVALUE | Safety-related values: Use case in use # 20307. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_VARIANT | Part variant # 20101. | |
FUNC_ARTICLE_WEAR | Wearing part # 20908. | |
FUNC_ARTICLEREF_PARTSLISTGROUP | Bill of materials group # 20924. | |
FUNC_DEVICETAG_FULL | DT (full, without project structures) # 20009. | |
FUNC_DEVICETAG_FULL_WITHSEPARATOR | DT (full, without project structures, with preceding sign) # 20213. | |
INSTANCE_REVISION_LOG_MARKER_FORMAT | Revision marker format (change tracking) # 19031. | |
INSTANCE_REVISIONID | Revision change marker (from property comparison) # 10153. | |
INSTANCE_REVISIONMARKER | Revision marker (from property comparison) # 10152. | |
Parent | StorableObject to which this property list is connected. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.UniversalPropertyList) | |
PROJ_ACTUALDATE | Date # 10027. | |
PROJ_ACTUALTIME | Time of the day # 10058. | |
PROJ_ADDITIONALINFO_DOCUMENTSTRUCTUREINFRONT | Start page name with document type # 10450. | |
PROJ_ARTICLEREF_CRAFT | Trade of part reference # 20913. | |
PROJ_ARTICLEREF_SUBCRAFT | Subtrade of part reference # 20914. | |
PROJ_BACKUP_BACKUPPATH | Data backup: Backup directory # 10517. | |
PROJ_BACKUP_COMPRESS | Data backup: Reorganize project # 10513. | |
PROJ_BACKUP_DESCRIPTION | Data backup: Description # 10518. | |
PROJ_BACKUP_EXTDOCS | Data backup: Back up external documents # 10511. | |
PROJ_BACKUP_FULL | Data backup: Complete backup # 10510. | |
PROJ_BACKUP_IMAGES | Data backup: Back up image files # 10512. | |
PROJ_BACKUP_MEDIUM | Data backup: Backup medium # 10515. | |
PROJ_BACKUP_METHOD | Data backup: Method # 10514. | |
PROJ_BACKUP_SPLITSIZE | Data backup: E-mail message split size in MB # 10516. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_BLACKBOX | Block property: Format (black box) # 10610. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_BUSBAR | Block property: Format (busbar) # 10612. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_CABLE | Block property: Format (cable / shield) # 10607. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_CONNECTION | Block property: Format (connection) # 10608. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_CONNECTOR_DEF_TEXT | Block property: Format (plug definition) # 10603. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_DEVICE_END_TERMINAL | Block property: Format (device connection point) # 10611. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_DISTRIBUTOR | Block property: Format (fluid connection splicer / line connector) # 10614. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_FLUIDDEVICE | Block property: Format (fluid device) # 10613. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_FUNCTION | Block property: Format (general devices) # 10600. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_INTERRUPTION_POINT | Block property: Format (interruption point) # 10609. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_LOCATIONBOX | Block property: Format (structure box) # 10662. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_MECHANIC | Block property: Format (mechanical) # 10619. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_PAGE | Block property: Format (page) # 10618. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_PLAOBJECT | Block property: Format (pre-planning) # 10661. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_PLC_TERMINAL | Block property: Format (PLC connection point) # 10606. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_PLCBOX | Block property: Format (PLC box) # 10605. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_PLT | Block property: Format (PCT loop) # 10615. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_PLTFUNCTION | Block property: Format (PCT loop function) # 10616. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_PLUG | Block property: Format (pin) # 10604. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_POTENTIALDEFINITION | Block property: Format (potential definition) # 10096. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_PROCESS | Block property: Format (process engineering) # 10617. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_PROCESSDEFINITION | Block property: Format (piping definition) # 10097. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_TERMINAL | Block property: Format (terminal) # 10602. | |
PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_TERMINAL_DEF_TEXT | Block property: Format (terminal strip definition) # 10601. | |
PROJ_BLOCKPROPERTY_REPLACETEXT | Block property: Replacement text # 10660. | |
PROJ_CLOUD_EDITMODE | Processing mode for the cloud # 10122. | |
PROJ_CLOUD_PROJECT_ID | Unique project ID for the Cloud # 10120. | |
PROJ_COMMISSION | Commission # 10014. | |
PROJ_COMPANYADDRESS1 | Company address 1 # 10016. | |
PROJ_COMPANYADDRESS2 | Company address 2 # 10017. | |
PROJ_COMPANYNAME | Company name # 10015. | |
PROJ_CONTROLVOLTAGE | Control voltage # 10041. | |
PROJ_COUNTPERPAGETYPE | Number of pages per page type # 10200. | |
PROJ_CREATIONDATE | Creation date # 10021. | |
PROJ_CREATIONTIME | Creation time # 10046. | |
PROJ_CREATOR | Creator # 10020. | |
PROJ_CREATORCITY | Creator: City # 10238. | |
PROJ_CREATORCOUNTRY | Creator: Country # 10239. | |
PROJ_CREATOREMAIL | Creator: E-mail # 10242. | |
PROJ_CREATORFAX | Creator: Fax # 10241. | |
PROJ_CREATORID | Creator: Short name # 10230. | |
PROJ_CREATORLONGNAME | Creator: Full name # 10245. | |
PROJ_CREATORNAME1 | Creator: Name 1 # 10232. | |
PROJ_CREATORNAME2 | Creator: Name 2 # 10233. | |
PROJ_CREATORNAME3 | Creator: Name 3 # 10234. | |
PROJ_CREATORNOTE | Creator: Description # 10247. | |
PROJ_CREATORNUMBER | Creator: Customer number # 10246. | |
PROJ_CREATORPOBOX | Creator: P.O. box # 10236. | |
PROJ_CREATORREGION | Creator: State / Region # 10244. | |
PROJ_CREATORSTREET | Creator: Street # 10235. | |
PROJ_CREATORTELEPHONE | Creator: Phone # 10240. | |
PROJ_CREATORTITLE | Creator: Title # 10231. | |
PROJ_CREATORZIPCODE | Creator: Zip code (City) # 10237. | |
PROJ_CREATORZIPCODEPOBOX | Creator: Zip code (P.O. box) # 10243. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMER | Customer # 10370. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMERCITY | Customer: City # 10108. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMERCOUNTRY | Customer: Country # 10109. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMEREMAIL | Customer: E-mail # 10112. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMERFAX | Customer: Fax # 10111. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMERID | Customer: Short name # 10100. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMERLONGNAME | Customer: Full name # 10115. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMERNAME1 | Customer: Name 1 # 10102. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMERNAME2 | Customer: Name 2 # 10103. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMERNAME3 | Customer: Name 3 # 10104. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMERNOTE | Customer: Description # 10117. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMERNUMBER | Customer: Customer number # 10116. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMERPOBOX | Customer: P.O. box # 10106. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMERREGION | Customer: State / Region # 10114. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMERSTREET | Customer: Street # 10105. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMERTELEPHONE | Customer: Phone # 10110. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMERTITLE | Customer: Title # 10101. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMERZIPCODE | Customer: Zip code (City) # 10107. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMERZIPCODEPOBOX | Customer: Zip code (P.O. box) # 10113. | |
PROJ_CUSTOMIDENTIFICATION | Customer code # 10180. | |
PROJ_DATEPERPAGETYPE | Last modification date per page type # 10250. | |
PROJ_DEGOFPROTECTION | Degree of protection # 10037. | |
PROJ_DEVTAGFORMAT_CUSTOMFORMAT | Sequence of individual DT properties # 10091. | |
PROJ_DEVTAGFORMAT_ENABLECUSTOMFORMAT | Edit DT in individual fields # 10090. | |
PROJ_DRAWINGNUMBER | Job number # 10013. | |
PROJ_DTFORMAT_BLACKBOX | Format of displayed DT: Black box # 10630. | |
PROJ_DTFORMAT_BUSBAR | Format of displayed DT: Busbar # 10632. | |
PROJ_DTFORMAT_CABLE | Format of displayed DT: Cable / shield # 10627. | |
PROJ_DTFORMAT_CABLE_CONNECTION | Format of displayed DT: Cable connection # 10635. | |
PROJ_DTFORMAT_CONNECTOR_DEF_TEXT | Format of displayed DT: Plug definition # 10623. | |
PROJ_DTFORMAT_DEVICE_END_TERMINAL | Format of displayed DT: Device connection point # 10631. | |
PROJ_DTFORMAT_DISTRIBUTOR | Format of displayed DT: Fluid connection splicer / line connector # 10634. | |
PROJ_DTFORMAT_FLUIDDEVICE | Format of displayed DT: Fluid device # 10633. | |
PROJ_DTFORMAT_FUNCTION | Format of displayed DT: General devices # 10620. | |
PROJ_DTFORMAT_INTERRUPTION_POINT | Format of displayed DT: Interruption point # 10629. | |
PROJ_DTFORMAT_PLC_TERMINAL | Format of displayed DT: PLC connection point # 10626. | |
PROJ_DTFORMAT_PLCBOX | Format of displayed DT: PLC box # 10625. | |
PROJ_DTFORMAT_PLUG | Format of displayed DT: Pin # 10624. | |
PROJ_DTFORMAT_TERMINAL | Format of displayed DT: Terminal # 10622. | |
PROJ_DTFORMAT_TERMINAL_DEF_TEXT | Format of displayed DT: Terminal strip definition # 10621. | |
PROJ_EDITEDPAGES | Created pages # 10301. | |
PROJ_ENCLOSURES | Enclosures # 10038. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMER_LONGNAME | End customer: Full name # 10145. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMER_NOTE | End customer: Description # 10147. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMER_NUMBER | End customer: Customer number # 10146. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMER_REGION | End customer: State / Region # 10144. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERCITY | End customer: City # 10138. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERCOUNTRY | End customer: Country # 10139. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMEREMAIL | End customer: E-mail # 10142. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERFAX | End customer: Fax # 10141. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERID | End customer: Short name # 10130. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERNAME1 | End customer: Name 1 # 10132. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERNAME2 | End customer: Name 2 # 10133. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERNAME3 | End customer: Name 3 # 10134. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERPOBOX | End customer: P.O. box # 10136. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERSTREET | End customer: Street # 10135. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERTELEPHONE | End customer: Phone # 10140. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERTITLE | End customer: Title # 10131. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERZIPCODE | End customer: Zip code (City) # 10137. | |
PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERZIPCODEPOBOX | End customer: Zip code (P.O. box) # 10143. | |
PROJ_ENVIRONMENTALCONSIDERATION | Environmental consideration # 10034. | |
PROJ_FROZENPERPAGETYPE | Number of frozen pages per page type # 10065. | |
PROJ_FULL_PROJECTNAME | Project name (full) # 10009. | |
PROJ_FULL_PROJECTPATH | Project path (full) # 10045. | |
PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_BLACKBOX | Format of full DT: Black box # 10650. | |
PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_BUSBAR | Format of full DT: Busbar # 10652. | |
PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_CABLE | Format of full DT: Cable / shield # 10647. | |
PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_CABLE_CONNECTION | Format of full DT: Cable connection # 10655. | |
PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_CONNECTOR_DEF_TEXT | Format of full DT: Plug definition # 10643. | |
PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_DEVICE_END_TERMINAL | Format of full DT: Device connection point # 10651. | |
PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_DISTRIBUTOR | Format of full DT: Fluid connection splicer / line connector # 10654. | |
PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_FLUIDDEVICE | Format of full DT: Fluid device # 10653. | |
PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_FUNCTION | Format of full DT: General devices # 10640. | |
PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_INTERRUPTION_POINT | Format of full DT: Interruption point # 10649. | |
PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_PLC_TERMINAL | Format of full DT: PLC connection point # 10646. | |
PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_PLCBOX | Format of full DT: PLC box # 10645. | |
PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_PLUG | Format of full DT: Pin # 10644. | |
PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_TERMINAL | Format of full DT: Terminal # 10642. | |
PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_TERMINAL_DEF_TEXT | Format of full DT: Terminal strip definition # 10641. | |
PROJ_GENERATEDPAGES | Generated report pages # 10302. | |
PROJ_GUID | Unique project ID # 10184. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_BUSBAR | Structure format for busbars # 10053. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_CABLE | Structure format for cables # 10061. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_CODEDNESTINGSETTINGS | Nested device tags # 10019. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_CODEDSEPARATORS | Separator for structures # 10018. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_DEVICEBOX | Structure format for black boxes # 10056. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_DISTRIBUTOR | Structure format for fluid connection splicer / line connector # 10064. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_DOCUMENTSTRUCTURE | Project structure: Document type # 10006. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_FLUID | Structure format for fluid devices # 10063. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_FUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT | Project structure: Functional assignment # 10001. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_INSTALLATIONNUMBER | Project structure: Higher-level function number # 10005. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_INTERRUPTIONPOINT | Structure format for interruption points # 10051. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_LOCATION | Project structure: Location designation # 10004. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_LOCATIONBOX | Structure format for structure boxes # 10062. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_MASTERDEVICES | Superior structure format for all devices # 10054. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_MECHANIC | Structure format for mechanical devices # 10085. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_PAGE | Structure format for pages # 10050. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_PLACEOFINSTALLATION | Project structure: Installation site # 10003. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_PLANT | Project structure: Function designation # 10002. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_PLC | Structure format for PLC / bus technology # 10057. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_PLUG | Structure format for plugs # 10060. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_PRODUCT | Project structure: Product # 10099. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_SPECIALDINMODE | Superior structure formats # 10029. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_STANDARDDEVICE | Structure format for general devices # 10055. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_TAKEOVERPAGENUMBER | Use page name in DT # 10012. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_TERMINALSTRIP | Structure format for terminal strips # 10059. | |
PROJ_HIERARCHY_USERDEFINED | Project structure: User-defined structure # 10007. | |
PROJ_IDENTIFICATION | User # 10181. | |
PROJ_INSTALLATIONNAME | Project description # 10011. | |
PROJ_LASTMODIFICATIONDATE | Modification date # 10023. | |
PROJ_LASTMODIFICATIONTIME | Modification time # 10047. | |
PROJ_LASTMODIFICATOR | Last editor: Sign-in name # 10022. | |
PROJ_LASTTRANSLATIONDATE | Last translation: Date # 10024. | |
PROJ_LASTTRANSLATIONTIME | Last translation: Time # 10048. | |
PROJ_LASTUSEDBUILDNUMBER | EPLAN build number of the last modification or update # 10044. | |
PROJ_LASTUSEDVERSION | EPLAN version of the last modification or update # 10043. | |
PROJ_LEADIN | Input lead # 10040. | |
PROJ_LOCATION | Location # 10035. | |
PROJ_LOCATIONOFINSTALLATION | Place of installation # 10032. | |
PROJ_MAKE | Make # 10030. | |
PROJ_MANUFACTURINGDATE | Manufacturing date # 10042. | |
PROJ_NAME | Project name # 10000. | |
PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_BUSBAR | Naming format for busbars # 10073. | |
PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_CABLE | Naming format for cables # 10081. | |
PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_DEVICE | Naming format for devices # 10075. | |
PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_DEVICEBOX | Naming format for black boxes # 10076. | |
PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_DISTRIBUTOR | Naming format for fluid connection splicer / line connector # 10084. | |
PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_FLUID | Naming format for fluid devices # 10083. | |
PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_INTERRUPTIONPOINT | Naming format for interruption points # 10071. | |
PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_LOCATIONBOX | Naming format for structure boxes # 10082. | |
PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_MASTERDEVICES | Superior naming format for all devices # 10074. | |
PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_MECHANIC | Naming format for mechanical devices # 10086. | |
PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_PAGE | Naming format for pages # 10070. | |
PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_PLC | Naming format for PLC / bus technology # 10077. | |
PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_PLUG | Naming format for plugs # 10080. | |
PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_TERMINALSTRIP | Naming format for terminal strips # 10079. | |
PROJ_NUMERICTYPE | Type of project # 10902. | |
PROJ_ORIGIN | Project: Template # 10069. | |
PROJ_PAGECOUNT | Total no. of pages # 10300. | |
PROJ_PARTFEATURES | Part features # 10033. | |
PROJ_PDD_DEVICES_HIERARCHY | Structure of the tree structure in the device navigators # 10094. | |
PROJ_PDD_DEVICES_SHOWDESCRSTRUCTURES | Show descriptive identifiers in device navigators # 10095. | |
PROJ_PDD_PAGES_HIERARCHY | Structure of tree structure in page tree # 10092. | |
PROJ_PDD_PAGES_SHOWDESCRSTRUCTURES | Show descriptive identifiers in page tree # 10093. | |
PROJ_POWERINPUT | Power supply # 10039. | |
PROJ_PROJECTBEGIN | Project start # 10028. | |
PROJ_PROJECTEND | Project end # 10026. | |
PROJ_PROJECTPATH | Project path # 10010. | |
PROJ_PROJECTSTATUS | Project status # 10303. | |
PROJ_REGULATION | Regulation # 10036. | |
PROJ_RESPONSIBLEFORPROJECT | Responsible for project # 10025. | |
PROJ_REVISION_APPROVEDBY | Approved by # 10160. | |
PROJ_REVISION_APPROVEDDATE | Approved date # 10161. | |
PROJ_REVISION_CHECKEDBY | Checked by # 10162. | |
PROJ_REVISION_CHECKEDDATE | Checked date # 10163. | |
PROJ_REVISION_LOG_DATE | Revision date (change tracking) # 10158. | |
PROJ_REVISION_LOG_DESCRIPTION | Revision comment (change tracking) # 10156. | |
PROJ_REVISION_LOG_EDITINGAREA | Defined working section (from change tracking) # 10195. | |
PROJ_REVISION_LOG_NAME | Revision name (change tracking) # 10155. | |
PROJ_REVISION_LOG_START | Revision: Change tracking started # 10154. | |
PROJ_REVISION_LOG_TIME | Revision time (change tracking) # 10159. | |
PROJ_REVISION_LOG_USER | Revision created by (change tracking) # 10157. | |
PROJ_REVISION_LOG_USERCODE | User code (change tracking) # 10190. | |
PROJ_REVISION_LOG_USEREMAIL | User: E-mail address (change tracking) # 10193. | |
PROJ_REVISION_LOG_USERNAME | User name (change tracking) # 10191. | |
PROJ_REVISION_LOG_USERPHONE | User: Phone number (change tracking) # 10192. | |
PROJ_REVISION_TEMP | Revision: Temporary reference project # 10164. | |
PROJ_REVISIONS | Revisions # 10150. | |
PROJ_REVISIONSPARENT | Revision: Original project name (complete) # 10151. | |
PROJ_REVISIONSPARENT_NAME | Revision: Original project name # 10149. | |
PROJ_SERIALNUMBERDONGLE | License number of dongle # 10185. | |
PROJ_SHOWDTSTRUCTURETAB | Show tab for DT structures # 10008. | |
PROJ_SOURCELANGUAGE | Source language # 10500. | |
PROJ_STATION | Workstation # 10182. | |
PROJ_STRUCTURESEQUENCE_PAGE | Sequence of the project structures in the page name # 10089. | |
PROJ_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD | Supplementary field # 10901. | |
PROJ_TIMEPERPAGETYPE | Last modification time per page type # 10251. | |
PROJ_TYPE | Project: Type # 10031. | |
PROJECT_AREA | AutomationML: Building # 10952. | |
PROJECT_ENTERPRISE | AutomationML: Company # 10950. | |
PROJECT_HIGHEST_REVISION_INDEX | Highest revision index (change tracking) # 10098. | |
PROJECT_INSTALLATIONSPACECOUNT | Number of layout spaces # 10304. | |
PROJECT_POWERDISSIPATION_FREQUENCY | Thermal design: Frequency # 10311. | |
PROJECT_POWERDISSIPATION_POWER_OF_ZONE | Thermal design: Total power dissipation for air-conditioning field # 10313. | |
PROJECT_POWERDISSIPATION_SIMULTANEITYFACTOR | Thermal design: Simultaneity factor # 10312. | |
PROJECT_POWERDISSIPATION_VOLTAGE | Thermal design: Voltage # 10310. | |
PROJECT_PRODUCTION_LINE | AutomationML: Plant # 10953. | |
PROJECT_SITE | AutomationML: Works # 10951. | |
PROJECT_SUBPROJECTORIGIN | Subproject of # 25100. | |
PROJECT_WORK_CELL | AutomationML: Area # 10954. | |
Property | Overloaded. Method used by operator[] in order to access indexed properties. | |
PROPUSER_DBOBJECTID | Overloaded. Object identification # 2000. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.StorableObjectPropertyList) | |
PROPUSER_LAST_USERCODE | Last editor: ID # 3010. | |
PROPUSER_LAST_USEREMAIL | Last editor: E-mail # 3013. | |
PROPUSER_LAST_USERNAME | Last editor: Name # 3011. | |
PROPUSER_LAST_USERPHONE | Last editor: Phone # 3012. | |
SUBPROJECT_NUMBER | Subproject number # 25101. |