PartToSystem(Project,ArrayList,Boolean) Method
Synchronizes the specified parts into the parts master database. Updates parts database. Parts in the project are not changed. This method corresponds with the EPLAN functionality in the ribbon "Master data \> Parts \> Synchronize" for selected parts.
- oProject
- Project for which the parts will be synchronized.
- lParts
- List of parts (objects of type Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.Article or Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.ArticleReference) that will be synchronized.
- bUseNotReferencedArticles
- Specifies that not referenced articles are synchronized.
Exception | Description |
ArgumentNullException | Thrown if null was
passed as an
argument. |
ArgumentException | Thrown in case of
invalid arguments,
e.g. the project is
not valid. |
Eplan.EplApi.Base.BaseException | The synchronization
finished with
errors. |
IOException | Thrown in case of
database write protection. |