Classes represent operations on copper items in Pro Panel.
Create BusBar object using article with graphical macro.
var oInstallationSpace = new InstallationSpace();
oInstallationSpace.Create(oProject, "BusBar_InstallationSpace_1");
var copperBundle = CopperBundle.Create(oProject, new List<Placement3D>());
copperBundle.Parent = oInstallationSpace;
copperBundle.Properties.COPPERBUNDLE_DESIGNATION = "Connector kit below L1_3D 1 -BusBar";
var article = "Connector kit below L1_3D";
var variant = "1";
BusBar.Create(copperBundle, article, variant);

Create BusBar object specifying more parameters e.g., bending radius and path to *.fp1 file containing copper form.
var oInstallationSpace = new InstallationSpace();
oInstallationSpace.Create(oProject, "BusBar_InstallationSpace_2");
var copperBundle = CopperBundle.Create(oProject, new List<Placement3D>());
copperBundle.Parent = oInstallationSpace;
copperBundle.Properties.COPPERBUNDLE_DESIGNATION = "RIT.9684004_V - BusBar";
var fp1Path = "D:\\winkel.fp1";
var article = "RIT.9684004_V";
var variant = "1";
var bendingRadius = 5.0;
var listOfAdditionalObjects = new List<Placement3D>();
BusBar.Create(oProject, article, variant, fp1Path, bendingRadius, copperBundle, listOfAdditionalObjects);

var oInstallationSpace = new InstallationSpace();
oInstallationSpace.Create(oProject, "BusBarSystem_InstallationSpace");
var copperBundle = CopperBundle.Create(oProject, new List<Placement3D>());
copperBundle.Parent = oInstallationSpace;
copperBundle.Properties.COPPERBUNDLE_DESIGNATION = "RIT.BBS.RiLine60_1_ECu15x05_2400 - BusBarSystem";
var oBusBarSystem = new BusBarSystem();
var article = "RIT.BBS.RiLine60_1_ECu15x05_2400";
var variant = "1";
var numberOfHolders = 3;
var length = 240;
oBusBarSystem.Create(oProject, article, variant, numberOfHolders, length);
oBusBarSystem.Parent = copperBundle;