Eplan Platform API
EPLAN API / API Reference / Actions / XPamSelectPart
 Starts the part selection (using the configured database).

Parameter Description
ID of the database (optional input parameter).
Determines whether multiple parts can be selected (optional input parameter).
 Possible values: 0 = No (Allows multiple selections) , 1 = Yes (Only allows a single selection). Default value = 1.
Number of selected parts (output parameter).
 If the parameter SingleSelection is set to 1, SelectedPartsCount can only be 1 or 0.
PartNr of the selected part (output parameter). "<nr>" needs to be replaced with the index of the selected part (1, 2, ...).
Variant of the selected part (output parameter). "<nr>" needs to be replaced with the index of the selected part (1, 2, ...).
PartType of the selected part (output parameter). "<nr>" needs to be replaced with the index of the selected part (1, 2, ...).

 The result of the output parameters is returned in the CallingContext.
 See also: "User Guide" > "API Framework" > "Add-Ins" > "Actions" > "Calling actions".

 Enable selection of multiple parts. After calling the action, check the calling context for PartNr, Variant and PartType of the first selected part:
 String strAction = "XPamSelectPart";
 ActionManager oAMnr = new ActionManager();
 Eplan.EplApi.ApplicationFramework.Action oAction = oAMnr.FindAction(strAction);
 if (oAction != null)
                ActionCallingContext actionCallingContext = new ActionCallingContext();
                actionCallingContext.AddParameter("SingleSelection", "false");
                bool bRet = oAction.Execute(actionCallingContext);
                if (bRet)
                        string partNr1 = "";
                        string variant1 = "";
                        string partType1 = "";

                        actionCallingContext.GetParameter("PartNr1", ref partNr1);
                        actionCallingContext.GetParameter("Variant1", ref variant1);
                        actionCallingContext.GetParameter("PartType1", ref partType1);