Eplan Platform API
EPLAN API / User Guide / API Framework / Add-ons / Registration
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    In This Topic

    Manual registration of an add-on

    Start EPLAN now. In ribbon item File > Extras > Interfaces you will find the category Add-ons > Manage.

    Figure 1: Ribbon option Add-ons

    After clicking on Manage, a dialog – as shown below – will appear. By pressing the button you can select the install.xml file from the CFGdirectory.

    Figure 2: Manual registration of an add-on

    The add-on now appears in the add-on list. To register it, you have to activate the belonging check-box in the "Registered" column. Only then, that in the BINfolder saved dllfile will appear in the list of the API modules dialog and will be loaded.

    Registration of an add-on via an action

    It is also possible to register an add-on via an action call. This is based on automatic actions for the EPLAN command line functionalities – also called "Command Line Actions".


    For further information about "Automatic actions" see our API Help.


    For the proper use of that command line action, it is necessary to pass further general command line parameters.





    The path where the add-on is located


    The complete path to the install.xml



    Registering Add-ons:


    XSettingsRegisterAction /Path:c:\MyAddOn


    XSettingsRegisterAction /InstallFile: c:\MyAddOn\CFG\Install.xml


    After registering the add-on via an action call, you have to verify if the add-on is registered in the Add-ons dialog and the belonging add-in files are loaded.

    Automatic registration of an add-on

    There are two ways to initiate the automatic registration of an add-on when EPLAN is started.

    Automatic registration with registry settings

    In the "Registry Editor" – see figure y – all EPLAN installation can be found at:


    Figure 3: Automatic registration with registry settings


    An add-on can be found like this:



                                Autoreg              true

                                XMLPath            C:\Program Files\EPLAN\ApiTest Add-on\2.9.0\Cfg\install.xml


    "Autoreg": When this flag is true, the add-on can register automatically.

    "XMLPath": The path to install.xml of the add-on.

    After double clicking on "Autoreg", a dialog – as shown below – will appear.

    Figure 4: Value editor

    Now you can set the value for the automatic registration to "TRUE" or "FALSE".

    Automatic registration with company settings

    Start EPLAN now. Select the ribbon item File and select the option Settings….

    Figure 5: Option Settings...

    After clicking on Settings..., the settings service dialog – as shown below – will appear. By navigating to Company > Management > Add-ons you can then register a server path to EPLAN.

    Figure 6: Add-ons Settings

    At startup of EPLAN, this folder is searched for install.xml files. When an add-on install.xml is found (means the install.xml is in a "cfg" folder, the version matches, etc.) the add-on will be registered.