Eplan Platform API
EPLAN API / API Reference / Interactions / XMIaInsertMacro
In This Topic
    In This Topic
    Imports a macro to the current project.
    Parameter Description


    Filename of macro that should be inserted. If this parameter is empty, a file selection dialog opens.


    Variant of macro that should be inserted. Value range [0-15];
                                            0  - variant A
                                            1  - variant B
                                            2  - variant C
                                            3  - variant D
                                            4  - variant E
                                            5  - variant F
                                            6  - variant G
                                            7  - variant H
                                            8  - variant I
                                            9  - variant J
                                            10 - variant K
                                            11 - variant L
                                            12 - variant M
                                            13 - variant N
                                            14 - variant O
                                            15 - variant P


    Representation type of macro that should be inserted. Value range [1-13]
                                            1 - MultiLine
                                            2 - SingleLine
                                            3 - PairCrossReference
                                            4 - Overview
                                            5 - Graphics
                                            6 - ArticlePlacement
                                            7 - PI_FlowChart
                                            8 - Fluid_MultiLine
                                            9 - Cabling
                                            10 - ArticlePlacement3D
                                            11 - Functional
                                            12 - Planning
                                            12 - FluidFunctionalOverview

    XGedStartInteractionAction /Name:XMIaInsertMacro /filename:"?"