Eplan Platform API
EPLAN API / API Reference / Actions / export3d
In This Topic
    In This Topic
    Action to export installation spaces in STEP format.

    Parameter Description


    Type of task to be performed by the action:
    STEPINSTALLATIONSPACES: Export installation spaces to STEP format. 


    Project name with full path (optional).
    If not entered, the selected project is used when the action is called from GUI (like from a script or ribbon bar). 
    If called from the windows command line, the PROJECTNAME must be set or the ProjectAction must be used first (see also "ProjectAction"), otherwise an exception is thrown (see also "System.ArgumentException").


    Name of the InstallationSpace to be exported. This parameter is only effective
    with the STEPINSTALLATIONSPACES value of the TYPE parameter.


    Names of the InstallationSpaces to be exported (optional), where n is a number e.g. /INSTALLATIONSPACENAME1:BR1 /INSTALLATIONSPACENAME2:BR2 /INSTALLATIONSPACENAME:BR3 etc. 
    These parameters are only effective with the STEPINSTALLATIONSPACES value of the TYPE parameter.


    Structure indetifier of the InstallationSpace to be exported (optional). 
    This parameter is only effective with the STEPINSTALLATIONSPACES value of the TYPE parameter.


    Structure indetifiers of the InstallationSpaces to be exported (optional), where n is a number e.g. /INSTALLATIONSPACENAME1:BR1 /STRUCTURE1:=EB3+ET1 /INSTALLATIONSPACENAME2:BR2 /STRUCTURE2:=EB3+ET2 etc. 
    These parameters are only effective with the STEPINSTALLATIONSPACES value of the TYPE parameter.


    Target directory. Relevance of this parameter.
    For STEPINSTALLATIONSPACES: Directory where the step files are stored. If this directory does not exist yet, it is created.


    Scheme for STEPINSTALLATIONSPACES export (optional). If this parameter does not exist or is empty (""), the most
    recently used STEPINSTALLATIONSPACES export scheme is taken. This parameter is only effective with the STEPINSTALLATIONSPACES value of the
    TYPE parameter.


    Relevance of this parameter.
    If 1 then each first level child will be exported in separate file. 
    If 0 then names of files are generated from properties INSTALLATIONSPACE_FULLNAME. 
    If true then property FUNC_FULLNAME is added at the end of file name.

    If passed INSTALLATIONSPACENAME is not unique in project and STRUCTURE parameter was not specified action will export all InstallationSpaces with the same INSTALLATIONSPACENAME.
    When an error occurs during an export operation, a "BaseException" is thrown.

    Export a installation spaces BR1 and BR2 to STEP.
    Export a installation spaces BR1 and BR2 to STEP with specified structure identifiers.