Eplan Platform API
EPLAN API / API Reference / Actions / XGedUpdateMacroAction
 Updates macros.
 It can be passed the full path of a project. When project is not opened, this action opens it and closes it automatically.

Parameter Description
The full path of project (optional). When project specified by ProjectName is not open, this action opens it and closes it automatically.
Defines a concrete scheme to use (optional when called from a command line). If not given, last used scheme name is used. 
Applies the last used record for several placeholders automatically (optional), overwrites value of scheme. 
Allows replacement of one macro variant to another variant of same macro.

 If no path is passed, action takes selected object in GED. Object can be a macrobox or an object of macrobox.
 Alternatively, an object can be passed by a special DMBaseHandleContext.
 This object can be also a macrobox, an object of macrobox or a project.

 Example 1 (Selected object in GED)

 Example 2 (Full path of project)
 XGedUpdateMacroAction /ProjectName:"C:\\My Folder\\MyProject.elk"      //absolute
 XGedUpdateMacroAction /ProjectName:"C:\\My Folder\\MyProject"          //absolute without file-extension
 XGedUpdateMacroAction /ProjectName:"My Folder\\MyProject.elk"          //relative to standard-folder
 XGedUpdateMacroAction /ProjectName:MyProject.elk                                               //relative to standard-folder
 XGedUpdateMacroAction /ProjectName:MyProject                                                   //relative to standard-folder without file-extension

 Example 3 (Full path of project, in scripting)
 CommandLineInterpreter oCommandLineInterpreter = new CommandLineInterpreter();
 bool bRet = oCommandLineInterpreter.Execute("XGedUpdateMacroAction /ProjectName:\"C:\\My Folder\\MyProject.elk\"");    //absolute
 bool bRet = oCommandLineInterpreter.Execute("XGedUpdateMacroAction /ProjectName:\"C:\\My Folder\\MyProject\"");                //absolute without file-extension
 bool bRet = oCommandLineInterpreter.Execute("XGedUpdateMacroAction /ProjectName:\"My Folder\\MyProject.elk\"");                //relative to standard-folder
 bool bRet = oCommandLineInterpreter.Execute("XGedUpdateMacroAction /ProjectName:MyProject.elk");                                               //relative to standard-folder
 bool bRet = oCommandLineInterpreter.Execute("XGedUpdateMacroAction /ProjectName:MyProject");                                                   //relative to standard-folder without file-extension

 Example 4 (Object passed by context)
 StorableObjectContext context = new StorableObjectContext();
 context.StorableObject = hProject;                             //option 1: project
 context.StorableObject = aMacroBox;                            //option 2: macrobox
 context.StorableObject = hInstanceFromMacroBox;        //option 3: instance of macrobox
 new CommandLineInterpreter().Execute("XGedUpdateMacroAction ", context);