Eplan Platform API
EPLAN API / User Guide / API DataModel / API Pro Panel / Import/export 3D graphics
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Import/export 3D graphics
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Export 3D graphics is possible to STEP or VRML format : 


Export3D::ProjectToStep                    - exports all installation spaces from a project 

Export3D::InstallationSpacesToStep  - exports installation spaces 

Export3D::ProjectToVrml                    - exports all installation spaces from a project 

Export3D::InstallationSpacesToVrml  -  exports installation spaces 



The item data must be available in the common international STEP format (Standard for the Exchange of Product model data). 

A new layout space is generated for each import, and is given the name of the imported STEP file 


Copy Code
InstallationSpace oInstallationSpace = new Import().Graphics3D(oProject, "c:\\temp\\BK3100\\BK3xxx.stp");