Eplan Platform API
EPLAN API / User Guide / API DataModel / API Pro Panel / Orientation of 3d objects
Orientation of 3d objects

In Pro Panel API it is sometimes necessary to recognize sides of 3d object, for example to place them in a row with the same orientation.

Please mind that the sides of a Placement3D is something different that sides of its minimal bounding box. They are related to the same part of object 3d, independently of a transformation and a viewpoint.

The representation of sides is in .Corners property, for example  :

Placement3D.Corners.UpperRightBackAbsolute – returns upper right back coordinate in absolute system
Placement3D.Corners.LowerRightFrontRelative – returns lower right front coordinate in relative system

Objects with placement area

In this case orientation is according to placement area.

Example terminal :




Example rack:



Objects without placement area

In this cas,e orientation is according to absolute axis origin (assumed identity transformation) :

Front  : side with the lowest Y
Back   : side with highest Y
Right  : side with highest X
Left   : side with lowest X
Top    : side with highest Z
Bottom : side with lowest Z

SE isometric viewpoint :


SW isometric viewpoint :






See Also