Eplan Platform API
Eplan.IdentityClient.Authentification Namespace / IEIdentityClient Interface

In This Topic
    IEIdentityClient Interface Members
    In This Topic

    The following tables list the members exposed by IEIdentityClient.

    Public Methods
     MethodExits from IdentityClient.  
     MethodGets access token for a ClientId.  
     MethodGets HttpClient object. IHttpClientFactory is used internally to create the HttpClient object.  
     MethodGets EPLAN cloud user profile information.  
     MethodInitializes IdentityClient object.  
     MethodRegisters ClientId of an EPLAN Cloud service.  
     MethodSets product information  
     MethodSets custom proxy connection configuration.  
     MethodSigns in to EPLAN Cloud.  
     MethodSigns out from EPLAN Cloud.  
    See Also