IEplActionEnable Interface
Interface to enable or disable an Action. If this interface is not used, the Action is enabled by default. If you implement this interface in an action class, you can set the respective Action to disabled. If a ribbon item points to this Action, they will be also disabled (grayed out).
public interface IEplActionEnable
public interface class IEplActionEnable
public class TestAction : Eplan.EplApi.ApplicationFramework.IEplAction, Eplan.EplApi.ApplicationFramework.IEplActionEnable
//IEplAction Members
#region IEplActionEnable Members
public bool Enabled(string strActionName, Eplan.EplApi.ApplicationFramework.ActionCallingContext actionContext)
if (strActionName == "TESTACTION")
return false;
return true;
| Name | Description |
 | Enabled | One action can be enabled or disabled. Return true when it is enabled. |