Eplan Platform API
Eplan.EplApi.ApplicationFramework Namespace / ProjectOpenRequirement Enumeration
Example Example

ProjectOpenRequirement Enumeration
Interface to make an action batchable on a server. This action requires the project in one of the following mode.
public enum ProjectOpenRequirement : System.Enum 
class ActionSetPropOnAllPagesBatch : IEplActionBatchExtension, IInterface
	/#region IEplActionBatchExtension Members

// get the display name of this batch action. This is displayed in autoproc dialog.
public string GetBatchActionDisplayName()
	return "raise value of page property custom supplementaryfield 1";

// Get the name of the action to execute.
public string GetBatchActionName()
	return "ActionSetPropOnAllPages";

// get the parameters.
// when a dialog should popup to ask the user for the parameters.
// handling is stopped when false is returned.
public bool GetParameters(ActionCallingContext pCallingContext)
	string param1 = "";
	pCallingContext.GetParameter("param1", ref param1);
	string param2 = "";
	pCallingContext.GetParameter("param2", ref param2);
	bool bOk = InputBox.ShowInputBox(ref param1, ref param2);

	pCallingContext.AddParameter("param1", param1);
	pCallingContext.AddParameter("param2", param2);

	return bOk;

// Remember this params in script scheme. They are restored when reopeing a dialog
public string[] GetPersistentParameters()
	string[] strParamList = new string[2];
	strParamList[0] = "param1";
	strParamList[1] = "param2";
	return strParamList;

// return the needed Settings. Note: this settings has to exist on the client!
// on server the settings are imported before the action is executed.
public string[] GetListOfSettings()
	string[] strSettingList = new string[2];
	strSettingList[0] = "User.Eplan@EplAddIn@MyAddIn10.param3";
	strSettingList[1] = "User.Eplan@EplAddIn@MyAddIn10.param4";
	return strSettingList;
// This param is used in scripts. The actual project will set to it.
public string GetProjectParameterInContext()
	return "ProjectName";

public ProjectOpenRequirement GetProjectRequirement()
	return ProjectOpenRequirement.ProjectExclusive;


	/#region IInterface Members

// AutoProcActionInterface is needed to attach to the autoproc dialog
public string InterfaceName
	get { return "ActionSetPropOnAllPagesBatch:AutoProcActionInterface"; }


Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also