Eplan Platform API
Eplan.EplApi.ApplicationFramework Namespace / UserRights Class / CheckRightFor Method
Name of the execute permission to be checked.

CheckRightFor Method
Checks the execute permission of an action
public bool CheckRightFor( 
   string strRight


Name of the execute permission to be checked.

Return Value

true: Action is granted execute permission. false: The action must not be executed by the current user.
Before executing newly programmed functions, the API programmer should check a right that is relatively similar to that of the new function. If, for example, a function is implemented that generates new pages, the right to create pages (XGedNewSchemePage) should be queried beforehand. If you check for a right, which is not yet added to the UserRights database, this right is always granted.
Example of querying a right
UserRights oUserRights = new UserRights();
bool bRights = oUserRights.CheckUserRights(); // is the user rights management activated?
if (bRights)

  bool bAnRight= oUserRights.CheckRightFor("XPLEditorStart");
See Also