Eplan Platform API
Eplan.EplApi.Base Namespace / EnumDecisionReturn Enumeration

EnumDecisionReturn Enumeration
This enum is returned by the Decider method.
public enum EnumDecisionReturn : System.Enum 
eABORT3Abort was pressed
eCANCEL2Cancel was pressed
eCLOSE8Close was pressed
eERROR_WHILEOPENINGDECIDER-2return code for errors while opening the decider dialog
eIGNORE5Ignore was pressed
eNO7No was pressed
eNO_ALL1001NoAll was pressed
eOK1Ok was pressed
eRETRY4Retry was pressed
eSYSERROR_NOTQUIET-1code for display of errors. dialog will appear in batch or quit mode
eUNDEFINED0invalid value was returned
eYES6Yes was pressed
eYES_ALL1000YesAll was pressed
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also